Page 103 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 103
iauniversitatis• Beech, M. H. 1982. ‘The Domestic Realm in the Lives of Hin- ble for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from
du Women in Calcutta.’ In Separate Worlds: Studies of Pur- other sources.
dah in South Asia, edited by H. Papanek and G. Minault,
110–38. Delhi: Chanakya. Articles are published under the terms of Creative Com-
mons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.
• Jackson, R. 1979. ‘Running Down the Up-Escalator: Region-
al Inequality in Papua New Guinea.’ Australian Geographer Author Fees
14 (5): 175–84. No article submission or article processing fees are charged.
• Lynd, R., and H. Lynd. 1929. Middletown: A study in Ameri- For other issues, please consult the editorial board.
can Culture. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World.
Editor’s address
• University of Chicago Press. 2010. The Chicago Manual of dr. Gregor Pobežin, Fakulteta za humanistične študije
Style. 16th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Univerze na Primorskem, Titov trg 5, SI6000 Koper
https://w w w.chicagomanualofst
The Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide is available at
The following examples illustrate the author-date system.
Each example of a reference list entry is accompanied by an exam-
ple of a corresponding in-text citation. For more details and many
more examples, see chapter 15 of The Chicago Manual of Style.
Copy Editing
Papers should be copy-edited and spell-checked before submission.
Publishing Ethics and Malpractice Statement
By submitting a manuscript, authors certify that their manuscripts
are their original work, that the manuscript is not currently being
considered for publication elsewhere, and that they have identi-
fied all sources used in the creation of their manuscript. Submitted
manuscripts may be subject to checks in order to detect instanc-
es of plagiarism.
Reviewers perform work for the journal on a volunteer ba-
sis; they are obligated to disclose to Editor any conflicts of interest,
to keep information pertaining to the manuscript confidential and
to evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content. Review-
ers should argue their statements and personal criticism is not per-
The final decision for the publication of a submitted man-
uscript is the responsibility of the Editors. Manuscripts should be
processed in less than 6 months from the date of submission.
Peer Review
All manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed by at least two in-
dependent reviewers using a standard review form.
Page proofs in PDF format will be sent by e-mail to the correspond-
ing author; proofs should be corrected and returned within five
days. PDF files can be annotated using freely available Adobe Read-
er. Proofs should be used only for checking the typesetting, editing,
completeness and correctness of the paper. Significant changes to
the article as accepted for publication are not permitted.
Copyright for all articles published in Studia universitatis heredi-
tati is held by individual authors. Authors are themselves responsi-
du Women in Calcutta.’ In Separate Worlds: Studies of Pur- other sources.
dah in South Asia, edited by H. Papanek and G. Minault,
110–38. Delhi: Chanakya. Articles are published under the terms of Creative Com-
mons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License.
• Jackson, R. 1979. ‘Running Down the Up-Escalator: Region-
al Inequality in Papua New Guinea.’ Australian Geographer Author Fees
14 (5): 175–84. No article submission or article processing fees are charged.
• Lynd, R., and H. Lynd. 1929. Middletown: A study in Ameri- For other issues, please consult the editorial board.
can Culture. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World.
Editor’s address
• University of Chicago Press. 2010. The Chicago Manual of dr. Gregor Pobežin, Fakulteta za humanistične študije
Style. 16th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Univerze na Primorskem, Titov trg 5, SI6000 Koper
https://w w w.chicagomanualofst
The Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide is available at
The following examples illustrate the author-date system.
Each example of a reference list entry is accompanied by an exam-
ple of a corresponding in-text citation. For more details and many
more examples, see chapter 15 of The Chicago Manual of Style.
Copy Editing
Papers should be copy-edited and spell-checked before submission.
Publishing Ethics and Malpractice Statement
By submitting a manuscript, authors certify that their manuscripts
are their original work, that the manuscript is not currently being
considered for publication elsewhere, and that they have identi-
fied all sources used in the creation of their manuscript. Submitted
manuscripts may be subject to checks in order to detect instanc-
es of plagiarism.
Reviewers perform work for the journal on a volunteer ba-
sis; they are obligated to disclose to Editor any conflicts of interest,
to keep information pertaining to the manuscript confidential and
to evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content. Review-
ers should argue their statements and personal criticism is not per-
The final decision for the publication of a submitted man-
uscript is the responsibility of the Editors. Manuscripts should be
processed in less than 6 months from the date of submission.
Peer Review
All manuscripts are double-blind peer reviewed by at least two in-
dependent reviewers using a standard review form.
Page proofs in PDF format will be sent by e-mail to the correspond-
ing author; proofs should be corrected and returned within five
days. PDF files can be annotated using freely available Adobe Read-
er. Proofs should be used only for checking the typesetting, editing,
completeness and correctness of the paper. Significant changes to
the article as accepted for publication are not permitted.
Copyright for all articles published in Studia universitatis heredi-
tati is held by individual authors. Authors are themselves responsi-