Page 98 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 98
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 98čavina. Zdi se, da je starejša faza tipa Ražište zgodnejša odwas the nature of its relationship with the late Starčevo,
začetka sopotske kulture. Kronološko modeliranje raz- LBK and Vinča cultures in its early phase still remain
hereditatipoložljivih radiokarbonskih datumov kaže na kontinuite-open as well as its relationship with Sopot culture latter
to življenja od poznih faz starčevačke kulture do začetka on. The origin and development of Korenovo culture
poznega neolitika v osrednjem in zahodnem delu sever- remains unclear although the new research provided us
ne Hrvaške. Ena izmed zanimivosti, ki izhaja iz nove razis- with more information about its end phase. The same
kave, je dejstvo, da ima tip Ražište, skoraj toliko kot kore- goes for the emergence and development of Sopot cul-
novska kultura, svoj izvor v svetu LTK. Vprašanje, kakšna ture although this is more due to the lack of publication
je bila narava njegovega odnosa s pozno kulturo Starčevo, rather than the lack of information.
LTK in vinčansko kulturo v njegovi zgodnji fazi, je še ved-
no odprto, prav tako pa tudi njegov kasnejši odnos s sopot- References
sko kulturo. Nastanek in razvoj korenovske kulture ostaja
nejasen, čeprav nam je nova raziskava priskrbela nekaj več Balen, J., T. Bilić, M. Bunčić, I. Drnić, and
informacij o njeni končni fazi. Enako velja za nastanek in A. Solter. 2009. “Rezultati zaštitnih
razvoj kulture sopotske kulture, čeprav je to bolj posledica istraživanja na lokalitetu Ivandvor –
pomanjkanja publikacij kot informacij. Šuma Gaj.” Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u
Zagrebu XLII: 23–72.
Bánffy, E. 2004. The 6th millennium BC
Over the last 15 years, new research brought to light boundary in western Transdanubia and
very interesting new results which complemented old- its role in the central European Neolithic
er partial information about the middle Neolithic in transition (Szentgyörgyvölgy – Pityerdomb
the north Croatia. For the first time a phase in south- settlement). Varia Archaeologica
ern expansion of Transdanubian LBK was documented Hungarica XV. Budapest: Archaeological
south of Drava river on Donji Miholjac – Vrancari site. Institute of HAS.
Some similarities between Szentgyörgyvölgy-Pityer-
domb, one of the earliest LBK sites in western Trans- Barna, J. P., and E. Pásztor. 2011. “Different
danubia and Virovitica – Brekinja site were recog- ways of using space: traces of domestic
nized. New information about Ražište type changes and ritual activities at a Late Neolithic
its chronological position from phase I-A/I-B of So- settlement at Sormás-Török-földek.”
pot culture (Marković 1985, 49–51; Marković 2012, 58) Documenta Praehistorica XXXVIII: 185–
or beginning of Vinča B phase, to the very beginning 206.
of Vinča A phase as recognized on southern Hungar-
ian sites Szederkény-Kukorica-dűlő (Jákucs et al. 2016) Borić, D. 2009. „Absolute Dating of
and Versend-Gilencsa (Jákucs and Voicsek 2017). Ac- Metallurgical Innovations in the Vinča
cording to typological differences and radiocarbon Culture of the Balkans.“ In Metals and
dates, two phases of Ražište type can be distinguished Societies. Studies in honour of Barbara S.
on three sites: Podgorač – Ražište, Golinci – Selište and Ottaway, edited by T. K. Kienlin and B.
Novi Perkovci – Krčavina. It would seem that the old- W. Roberts, Universitätsforschungen zur
er Ražište phase would predate the beginning of Sopot prähistorischen Archäologie, Bd. 169,
culture. Chronological modelling of available radio- 191–245. Bonn: Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt
carbon dates shows continuity of life from late Starče- GMBH.
vo phases to the beginning of the late Neolithic in the
central and western parts of north Croatia. One of the Botić, K. 2017. “Neolitička naselja na prostoru
interesting points surging from the new research is the sjeverne Hrvatske.” PhD diss., University
fact that Ražište type, almost as much as Korenovo cul- of Zagreb.
ture, has its origins in the LBK world. The question what
Burić, M. 2015. “Problems of the Late Neolithic
Absolute Chronology in Eastern Croatia.”
Archäologie in Eurasien 31: 143–56.
Čataj, L., and A. Janeš. 2013. “Golinci–Selište.
Prehistoric and Medieval settlement.”
In New archaeological insight into lower
začetka sopotske kulture. Kronološko modeliranje raz- LBK and Vinča cultures in its early phase still remain
hereditatipoložljivih radiokarbonskih datumov kaže na kontinuite-open as well as its relationship with Sopot culture latter
to življenja od poznih faz starčevačke kulture do začetka on. The origin and development of Korenovo culture
poznega neolitika v osrednjem in zahodnem delu sever- remains unclear although the new research provided us
ne Hrvaške. Ena izmed zanimivosti, ki izhaja iz nove razis- with more information about its end phase. The same
kave, je dejstvo, da ima tip Ražište, skoraj toliko kot kore- goes for the emergence and development of Sopot cul-
novska kultura, svoj izvor v svetu LTK. Vprašanje, kakšna ture although this is more due to the lack of publication
je bila narava njegovega odnosa s pozno kulturo Starčevo, rather than the lack of information.
LTK in vinčansko kulturo v njegovi zgodnji fazi, je še ved-
no odprto, prav tako pa tudi njegov kasnejši odnos s sopot- References
sko kulturo. Nastanek in razvoj korenovske kulture ostaja
nejasen, čeprav nam je nova raziskava priskrbela nekaj več Balen, J., T. Bilić, M. Bunčić, I. Drnić, and
informacij o njeni končni fazi. Enako velja za nastanek in A. Solter. 2009. “Rezultati zaštitnih
razvoj kulture sopotske kulture, čeprav je to bolj posledica istraživanja na lokalitetu Ivandvor –
pomanjkanja publikacij kot informacij. Šuma Gaj.” Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u
Zagrebu XLII: 23–72.
Bánffy, E. 2004. The 6th millennium BC
Over the last 15 years, new research brought to light boundary in western Transdanubia and
very interesting new results which complemented old- its role in the central European Neolithic
er partial information about the middle Neolithic in transition (Szentgyörgyvölgy – Pityerdomb
the north Croatia. For the first time a phase in south- settlement). Varia Archaeologica
ern expansion of Transdanubian LBK was documented Hungarica XV. Budapest: Archaeological
south of Drava river on Donji Miholjac – Vrancari site. Institute of HAS.
Some similarities between Szentgyörgyvölgy-Pityer-
domb, one of the earliest LBK sites in western Trans- Barna, J. P., and E. Pásztor. 2011. “Different
danubia and Virovitica – Brekinja site were recog- ways of using space: traces of domestic
nized. New information about Ražište type changes and ritual activities at a Late Neolithic
its chronological position from phase I-A/I-B of So- settlement at Sormás-Török-földek.”
pot culture (Marković 1985, 49–51; Marković 2012, 58) Documenta Praehistorica XXXVIII: 185–
or beginning of Vinča B phase, to the very beginning 206.
of Vinča A phase as recognized on southern Hungar-
ian sites Szederkény-Kukorica-dűlő (Jákucs et al. 2016) Borić, D. 2009. „Absolute Dating of
and Versend-Gilencsa (Jákucs and Voicsek 2017). Ac- Metallurgical Innovations in the Vinča
cording to typological differences and radiocarbon Culture of the Balkans.“ In Metals and
dates, two phases of Ražište type can be distinguished Societies. Studies in honour of Barbara S.
on three sites: Podgorač – Ražište, Golinci – Selište and Ottaway, edited by T. K. Kienlin and B.
Novi Perkovci – Krčavina. It would seem that the old- W. Roberts, Universitätsforschungen zur
er Ražište phase would predate the beginning of Sopot prähistorischen Archäologie, Bd. 169,
culture. Chronological modelling of available radio- 191–245. Bonn: Verlag Dr. Rudolf Habelt
carbon dates shows continuity of life from late Starče- GMBH.
vo phases to the beginning of the late Neolithic in the
central and western parts of north Croatia. One of the Botić, K. 2017. “Neolitička naselja na prostoru
interesting points surging from the new research is the sjeverne Hrvatske.” PhD diss., University
fact that Ražište type, almost as much as Korenovo cul- of Zagreb.
ture, has its origins in the LBK world. The question what
Burić, M. 2015. “Problems of the Late Neolithic
Absolute Chronology in Eastern Croatia.”
Archäologie in Eurasien 31: 143–56.
Čataj, L., and A. Janeš. 2013. “Golinci–Selište.
Prehistoric and Medieval settlement.”
In New archaeological insight into lower