Page 102 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 102
Končna odločitev za objavo predloženega rokopisa je v pris- or reject it. If the article has already been published in another jour- hereditati
tojnosti urednikov. Rokopisi morajo biti obdelani v manj kot 6 nal or if it is in the process of being published, this should be stat-
mesecih od datuma predložitve. ed explicitly.
Recenziranje Contribution to the double line spacing, font type should be
Vsi rokopisi so predmet dvojno slepega recenzentskega postopka in Times New Roman, size 12pt (in footnote 10pt). The text should
se oddajo na standardnem obrazcu. be aligned left, the pages should be numbered consecutively. Par-
agraphs should be separated by a blank line. Up to three hierarchi-
Postavljeni teksti cal levels of subtitling are allowed, which should be numbered (use
Postavljeni teksti bodo v obliki PDF poslani po elektronski pošti only plain style): 1 - 1.1 -1.1.1
ustreznemu avtorju; ta jih mora ustrezno dopolniti v petih dneh.
Datoteke PDF naj bodo ustrezno dopolnjene v prostodostopnem For highlights use only italics (in the case of linguistic texts,
Adobe Reader. V tej fazi je dovoljeno zgolj preverjanje postavitve, where examples are a general rule, bold print is acceptable). Words
urejanje, popolnost in pravilnost formata. Bistvene spremembe in foreign languages should be written in italics as well. The use of
članka niso več dovoljene. other typographical cuts (underlined, large lowercase letters, bold
italics ...) is not allowed. Do not use double spaces; do not use the
Avtorske pravice spacebar for text alignment. The only kind of paragraph permit-
Avtorske pravice za članke, objavljene v Studia universitatis he- ted is left-aligned paragraph without the use of tabs (do not use the
reditati ostanejo avtorjem. Ti so sami odgovorni za pravice upora- centre, two-sided or right paragraph alignment). Only use square
bljenih gradiv iz drugih virov. brackets for phonetic or. recorded pronunciations. Three dots are
contact only if they refer to broken text, e.g. con... In unfinished
Članki so objavljeni v skladu z licenco Creative Commons thoughts three dots are nonadjacent and indivisible ... Please turn
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. off hyphenation.
Plačila Footnotes should be automatically numbered (numbers are
Za pošiljanje in obdelavo člankov ne bo zaračunan noben immediately after a word or punctuation mark) and listed on the
honorar. current page of text.
O morebitnih drugih posebnostih se posvetujte z uredništ-
vom. Quotes in the text should be marked with a double (“”) and
quotations within quotations with single (‘) quote marks. Omitted
Naslov uredništva parts of quotations and adaptations should be clearly marked with
dr. Gregor Pobežin, Fakulteta za humanistične študije slashes: /.../. Isolate longer quotations (more than 5 lines) in separate
Univerze na Primorskem, Titov trg 5, SI-6000 Koper, gregor. paragraphs,
separated from the rest of the text by omitting a row. Quote
guidelines for authors the source of the quotation mark in round brackets at the end of
the quote.
The journal publishes primarily in the Slovenian language, but
also in other (major) world languages (Italian, English, German, Highlight the best places for graphics in the text (tables, fig-
French). An article published in a foreign language must also in- ures, diagrams, charts, etc.), along the lines of: [Table 1 about here].
clude a Slovenian abstract and summary in addition to the English Attach individual units of equipment in a separate file (in .eps, .ai, .tif
text. Words originally written in non-Latin script (e.g. Cyrillic) will or .jpg format, minimum resolution of 300 dpi; enclose the tables in
be transliterated according to the rules of Slovenian orthography a special file in the .doc format, graphs in the .xls format). Table title
(; see Ch. “Preglednice”, Sub- is above the table, graph title / picture is below the graph / image.
Ch. “Pisave za posamezne jezike”). This is author’s responsibility.
The space used for graphics counts as text, either as 250 words
An article (generally 7000, but no more than 10.000 words) (half a page) or 500 words (entire page).
should begin with:
Include a scale on the tables with archaeological materials.
1) author’s title, name and surname; Upon submission, the author provides the article in the .doc
2) abstract in Slovene and English, up to 250 words; format as well as the .pdf format.
3) keywords in Slovene and English (up to 5);
4) institution and address References
References should be formatted according to The Chicago Manu-
An article should also include: al of Style (University of Chicago Press 2010). The author-date sys-
tem of citation for references should be used in the text, followed by
1) summary in Slovene or English and page number if a direct quotation is given, e.g., Jackson (1979, 181).
2) sources consulted. Quotation marks should be used in accordance with the spelling
rules of the language in which the article is written. The alphabet-
Articles should be written in regular Slovene (or regular for- ized reference list should be titled ‘References’ with entries in the
eign languages) with regard to current spelling, otherwise the edi- following format (please note that initials should be used for the au-
torial board reserves the right to refrain from reviewing the article thors’ names):
tojnosti urednikov. Rokopisi morajo biti obdelani v manj kot 6 nal or if it is in the process of being published, this should be stat-
mesecih od datuma predložitve. ed explicitly.
Recenziranje Contribution to the double line spacing, font type should be
Vsi rokopisi so predmet dvojno slepega recenzentskega postopka in Times New Roman, size 12pt (in footnote 10pt). The text should
se oddajo na standardnem obrazcu. be aligned left, the pages should be numbered consecutively. Par-
agraphs should be separated by a blank line. Up to three hierarchi-
Postavljeni teksti cal levels of subtitling are allowed, which should be numbered (use
Postavljeni teksti bodo v obliki PDF poslani po elektronski pošti only plain style): 1 - 1.1 -1.1.1
ustreznemu avtorju; ta jih mora ustrezno dopolniti v petih dneh.
Datoteke PDF naj bodo ustrezno dopolnjene v prostodostopnem For highlights use only italics (in the case of linguistic texts,
Adobe Reader. V tej fazi je dovoljeno zgolj preverjanje postavitve, where examples are a general rule, bold print is acceptable). Words
urejanje, popolnost in pravilnost formata. Bistvene spremembe in foreign languages should be written in italics as well. The use of
članka niso več dovoljene. other typographical cuts (underlined, large lowercase letters, bold
italics ...) is not allowed. Do not use double spaces; do not use the
Avtorske pravice spacebar for text alignment. The only kind of paragraph permit-
Avtorske pravice za članke, objavljene v Studia universitatis he- ted is left-aligned paragraph without the use of tabs (do not use the
reditati ostanejo avtorjem. Ti so sami odgovorni za pravice upora- centre, two-sided or right paragraph alignment). Only use square
bljenih gradiv iz drugih virov. brackets for phonetic or. recorded pronunciations. Three dots are
contact only if they refer to broken text, e.g. con... In unfinished
Članki so objavljeni v skladu z licenco Creative Commons thoughts three dots are nonadjacent and indivisible ... Please turn
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. off hyphenation.
Plačila Footnotes should be automatically numbered (numbers are
Za pošiljanje in obdelavo člankov ne bo zaračunan noben immediately after a word or punctuation mark) and listed on the
honorar. current page of text.
O morebitnih drugih posebnostih se posvetujte z uredništ-
vom. Quotes in the text should be marked with a double (“”) and
quotations within quotations with single (‘) quote marks. Omitted
Naslov uredništva parts of quotations and adaptations should be clearly marked with
dr. Gregor Pobežin, Fakulteta za humanistične študije slashes: /.../. Isolate longer quotations (more than 5 lines) in separate
Univerze na Primorskem, Titov trg 5, SI-6000 Koper, gregor. paragraphs,
separated from the rest of the text by omitting a row. Quote
guidelines for authors the source of the quotation mark in round brackets at the end of
the quote.
The journal publishes primarily in the Slovenian language, but
also in other (major) world languages (Italian, English, German, Highlight the best places for graphics in the text (tables, fig-
French). An article published in a foreign language must also in- ures, diagrams, charts, etc.), along the lines of: [Table 1 about here].
clude a Slovenian abstract and summary in addition to the English Attach individual units of equipment in a separate file (in .eps, .ai, .tif
text. Words originally written in non-Latin script (e.g. Cyrillic) will or .jpg format, minimum resolution of 300 dpi; enclose the tables in
be transliterated according to the rules of Slovenian orthography a special file in the .doc format, graphs in the .xls format). Table title
(; see Ch. “Preglednice”, Sub- is above the table, graph title / picture is below the graph / image.
Ch. “Pisave za posamezne jezike”). This is author’s responsibility.
The space used for graphics counts as text, either as 250 words
An article (generally 7000, but no more than 10.000 words) (half a page) or 500 words (entire page).
should begin with:
Include a scale on the tables with archaeological materials.
1) author’s title, name and surname; Upon submission, the author provides the article in the .doc
2) abstract in Slovene and English, up to 250 words; format as well as the .pdf format.
3) keywords in Slovene and English (up to 5);
4) institution and address References
References should be formatted according to The Chicago Manu-
An article should also include: al of Style (University of Chicago Press 2010). The author-date sys-
tem of citation for references should be used in the text, followed by
1) summary in Slovene or English and page number if a direct quotation is given, e.g., Jackson (1979, 181).
2) sources consulted. Quotation marks should be used in accordance with the spelling
rules of the language in which the article is written. The alphabet-
Articles should be written in regular Slovene (or regular for- ized reference list should be titled ‘References’ with entries in the
eign languages) with regard to current spelling, otherwise the edi- following format (please note that initials should be used for the au-
torial board reserves the right to refrain from reviewing the article thors’ names):