Page 13 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 13
ia universitatis
an update on the data about the late neolithic and eneolithic in fr iuli 13
Figure 4. The remains of two Eneolithic huts (after Simeoni 2011).

reached Trieste’s karst, but they were not graft- SMP elements such as four-spouted vessels, pin-
ed onto the SMP matrix, as is the case of Grotta taderas, and Western traits such as double-perfo-
delle Gallerie (TS), where there are pottery ma- rated handles and flat spindle whorls, reach the
terials attributable to the final phase of the SMP. site of Kanzianiberg (Pedrotti 1990).
On the contrary, Western traits have been doc-
umented in the Ljubljana marshes, at the site of In summary, especially thanks to pottery
Maharski Prekop, Slovenia (Greif and Montag- complex found at Palù di Livenza (PN), the pot-
nari Kokelj 2002, Fig. 3) and in nearby Carin- tery production during the Late Neolithic in Fri-
thia, where, following alternative itineraries, uli is characterised by vessels with coarse - and
only rarely medium- ware, and almost exclusive-
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