Page 18 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 18
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 18

Figure 10. Meduno, Sach di Sotto (PN). The ditch. ancient structures and represented by the vari-
ous sherds with flaring rim and externally thick-
ports the hypothesis by which the Eneolith- ened edge decorated with instrumental impres-
ic pottery repertoires of the Friuli Venezia Gi- sions, refers to the complexes found in Slovenia
ulia region probably had less connections with or the easternmost ones in Friuli.
the contexts of the other regions of Northern
Italy and on the other hand shared more simi- As for the palaeoeconomical data, they at-
larities with the eastern ones. By cross-checking test the existence of farmed fields, together with
the information of the pottery production with the knowledge and exploitation of the territories
the albeit limited absolute chronology elements around the site, characterised by a mixed oak
available, two life phases of the settlement can grove. The few faunal finds discovered especial-
be identified. The initial one is represented by ly in the trenches dug in the embankment, shows
Structures 1, 2 and 9, and according to the radi- that the main domestic species were farmed and
ocarbon date of Structure 9, it is dated between wildlife species were hunted, as documented by
3090 and 2906 BC (cal 2σ)3 (Figures 11-13). The some traces of impact found on the lithic arte-
most recent one can be traced in Structure 5, dat- facts. The textile production is documented by
ing between 2835 and 2476 BC (cal 2σ)4 (Figure a clay spindle whorl, and the leather tanning ac-
14). The vessel production coming from the most tivity has been prudently proposed after the dis-
covery of many acorns which produce tannin as
3 Pit 9: GrN-27804 4370±35 BP.
4 Pit 5: GrN-27803 4050±30 BP.
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