Page 14 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 14
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 1 14ly plastic decorations. There are bowls with im-olo del Friuli, not far from Udine, probably dates
pressed rims, impressed mouth, conical bosses back to a slightly later period, between the mid-
hereditatiand hollow bosses right under the rim, and jars,4th and mid-3rd millennia BC. It was surveyed by
non-articulated and extremely deep forms deco- the Superintendence in 2005. The sherd of a ves-
rated with parallel series of impressed ribs, im- sel with sinuous profile and vertical tunnel han-
pressed ribs right under the rim and impressed dle, and two rim’s sherds, one probably belonging
ribs combined with hollow bosses. There are few to a shallow bowl while the other to a bowl with
four-spouted vessels and the elements of West- narrow neck, can be compared to the finds from
ern tradition are rare. Incised decorations are Hočevarica and Maharski prekop, in the Ljublja-
scarce if not completely absent. na Marshes, and an artefact found at Podmol, in
the Slovenian karst (Borgna et al. 2011).
As for the lithic industry, the provision sys-
tems, especially at Palù di Livenza, show the At S. Odorico di Flaibano, the remains of
prevalence of raw materials coming from the two Eneolithic huts have been found (Figure 4).
province of Belluno and the Tagliamento’s val- The most ancient hut has an elliptical plan and it
leys, whilst only 40% of flint comes from the Pi- is approximately N-S oriented. It is delimited by
attaforma Veneta (Dal Santo 2003). The tech- a row of postholes, which is double on the North
nological aspects remained almost unvaried side, and it presents a line of six posts, probably
as compared to those highlighted in the third used to bear the weight of the ca. 13 x 5 m roof.
SMP style, with a variant constituted by the From a stratigraphic point of view, the other
rise in the laminar production probably due to structure, delimited by a ditch, seems to be par-
the connections with the Western world, which tially overlapping the first one. It has a S-W ori-
have been observed also in the pottery produc- ented and 9 x 6 m trapezoidal plan. The materi-
tion (Bianchin Citton et al. in press). Probably als collected during the excavation works mostly
because of the interest in new raw materials, the come from the most recent structure: sherds of
retouched artefacts are numerically scarce: some walls decorated with bosses, polished and fin-
contexts documented the presence of elements gertipped ribs, or transversal-notched impres-
ascribable to the SMP world, such as the tanged sions, tongue-like handles, sherds of bowls’ rims,
arrowheads and shoulders, or to the Western among which there is a bowl with inward-curved
world, such as the transversal tranchets. walls and a tube-shaped handle that reaches the
rim. The common elements have been identified
Settlement Aspects, Funerary Evidences in Eneolithic sites in Austria and Slovenia, name-
And Out-Of-Context Finds Attributable ly the Late Beaker Culture site of Oggau-Wip-
To The Eneolithic fing (Neugebauer and Neugebauer-Maresch
Evidences referring to the Eneolithic are much 2001), and the inhabited areas of the Ljubljana
more considerable (Figure 3). Two pits contain- Marshes ascribable to the Parte and Založnica’s
ing pottery artefacts found in the high plain of Somogyvár-Vinkovci facies (Vitri et al. 2012).
the province of Udine could be attributed to the
settlement aspects of its ancient phase. According The biggest number of data has been col-
to the typological comparison between materials, lected in the settlement of Meduno-Sach di Sot-
the most ancient pit seems to be the one found to, located on the high plain in the province
in the area surrounding the burial mound at S. of Pordenone, between 292 and 297 m a.s.l.,
Odorico di Flaibano (UD). Deep bowls with dis- on a river terrace at the confluence of the Me-
tinct rims have been compared with those found duna and Rugo torrents. The settlement area is
in the Ljubljana Marshes, at Maharski prekop, delimited east, west and south by a steep slope
a site dating back to the first half of the IV mil- that reaches the watercourses. Northwards the
lennium BC. The pit at Carpeneto, near Pozzu- rolling plain ends with a rectilinear embank-
ment preserved for 115 in length and delimit-
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