Page 25 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 25
ia universitatis
an update on the data about the late neolithic and eneolithic in fr iuli 25
Figure 17. Polished stone shaft-hole axes: 1. Torsa (UD), 2. Pavia di Udine, 3 Aquileia (UD), 4. Castions (UD),
Baldasseria (UD).

ly polyhedral with flakes and they were usual- none5. Some of those artefacts call attention to
ly intensively exploited. The blade production the presence of this typology of artefacts in set-
is mainly documented at Meduno, where there tlements on high grounds which later became
are the secondary products for the use of blade castellieri sites. That is the case of the castelliere
cores and most of the instruments were created of Casarsa (PN) where in addition to a lithic in-
on laminar supports. dustry ascribable to the Eneolithic, four sherds

As for the polished stone, in the region 5 The morphological features and recent archaeometric studies con-
more than 30 axe-hammers have been found, 21 cerning the polished stone axe found near Castions di Strada testify
of which in the provinces of Udine and Porde- long-distance connection systems covering all Central Europe and
dating back to the 5th millennium BC (Bernardini et al. 2012).
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