Page 27 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(1) (2018)
P. 27
ia universitatisFigure 19. Copper axe from Sterpo of Bertiolo (UD) (Archaeological Museum of Udine).
an update on the data about the late neolithic and eneolithic in fr iuli 27
of pierced axes have been found (Corazza et al. axes and some Kozarac-type axes, vastly diffused
2006), the castelliere of Gradisca sul Cosa, and in Austria and generally in Eastern Europe. The
most of all the already described castelliere of analyses (XRF and SEM/EDS) conducted by
Meduno-Sach di Sotto (Visentini et al. 2015). A. Giumlia-Mair (2006) on three artefacts from
Carnia (Muina di Ovaro), the right bank of the
On many of those finds a preliminary lith- Tagliamento river (Sedulis di S. Giovanni di
ological analysis has been conducted by obser- Casarsa) and the area of Cividale (Gabrovizza di
vation with stereomicroscope and in diffrac- Savogna), determined the intentional presence
tometry, which showed especially the use of of elements in traces similar to those known in
serpentinites, highly diffused rocks, even on a re- deposits in the Austrian area or in the Sloveni-
gional level, as the interest for HP metaphiolites, an Styria, implicating some relations with the
diffused in the Neolithic context was probably northern and eastern side of the Alps, and espe-
decreased (D’Amico et al. 1996). The collect- cially the area of Salzburg, one of the main dis-
ed data on polished stone Copper Age shaft- tricts for the extraction of copper (Figures 18-19).
hole axes suggest a change in the raw material
procurement strategies to the exploitation also Conclusions
of local or medium-distant raw material sourc- As previously said, in the recent years an increase
es, often testifying to new directions of contacts in the data on the late Neolithic and Eneolithic
(Figures 15-17). phases in Friuli allowed us to update our knowl-
edge about that period, even though we cannot
In conclusion, there are around ten copper draw an organic picture yet.
axes6, often the results of old finds which were
not documented, coming from a vast area be- In Friuli and throughout Italy, the Late Ne-
tween the lowlands, with a particular concentra- olithic brought a loss in the cultural identity, spe-
tion in the area of Aquileia, and central Carnia cifically in terms of territory, consistency and
(Tasca and Visentini 2010). It is a series of flat solidity, which characterised the Middle and Re-
cent Neolithic. That is particularly evident in the
6 An addition to the set could be represented by the flat trapezoidal pottery repertoire, where the differences on a ter-
axe of ca. 10x3,2x1 cm recently donated to the Archaeological
Museum of Udine by Aldo Macor, to whom we hereby express our
gratitude, and sporadically found at Sterpo of Bertiolo.
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