Page 11 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(1) (2021)
P. 11
ia universitatisEarly Neolithic in North Macedonia and Bulgaria:
11 geographical and cultural relations

Ljubo Fidanoski
Museum of the city of Skopje, North Macedonia

Zgodnji neolitik v Severni Makedoniji in Bolgariji: geografski in kulturni odnosi
Prispevek se osredotoča na različne vidike materialne kulture skupnostih, ki so naseljevale dve izmed
najpomembnejših regiji Balkana v zgodnjem neolitiku, Severno Makedonijo in Bolgarijo. Prispevek
išče vzroke podobnosti pri nekaterih zvrsteh artefaktov v skupnostih, ki sicer proizvajajo in uporabljajo
relativno različno materialno kulturo.
Ključne besede: zgodnji neolitik Balkana, zgodnjeneolitska najdišča in kulture, problem ‘kulture’, mikro-
regionalne specifike, kulturni stiki.

The paper focuses on different aspects of material culture in communities that inhabited two of the

most important regions in the Early Neolithic Balkans, North Macedonia and Bulgaria. Paper seeks to

discover the causes for similarities of certain artefact types in communities that produce and use rela-

tively different material culture.

Keywords: Balkans EN, EN sites and cultures, the problems of ‘culture’, microregional specifics, cultur-
al contacts.
The exquisite beauty of the Balkans lies in
the diversity of nature: the forests, mead- of new methodologies and the significant pres-
ows and pastures, the diversity of relief ence of interdisciplinarity, many practiced ap-
proaches, methodologies and schools have been
forms represented by mountains, ravines, hills, changed, but the results of their interpretations
highlands, valleys and plains, the interwoven hy- have not been substantially altered, which in fact
drographic network composed of natural lakes, proves the reliability of most hypotheses, most of
many rivers and tributaries, groundwater and them, set long time ago.
springs, and ultimately the presence of diverse In the paper below, I will make an attempt
peoples and communities, each with its own to corroborate some of the already set topics in
past, traditions and authenticity. The rich Bal- Southeuropean prehistoric archaeology in the
kans cultural heritage, archaeology, history and context of the EN cultures of North Macedo-
art history interpret it in different ways, with nia and Bulgaria (especially its western part), but
different methodological approaches and under also to propose some new considerations. For
the influence of different schools, often inter- this purpose, I will direct my attention to sev-
twining each other. After the dominance of sci- eral sites from Amzabegovo-Vršnik culture and
entific approaches in the archaeological research Velušina-Porodin culture in North Macedo-
in the second half of the 20th and especially in nia and to some sites (known by cultures of dif-
the 21st century, especially with the application ferent names according to different authors) in

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