Page 13 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(1) (2021)
P. 13
ia universitatisable and immovable heritage, animals and plants by Naumov (2015); Grnčarica: a Contribution to
remains, the anthropological remains and the re- the Early Neolithic Puzzle of the Balkans by Sto-
ear ly neolithic in north macedonia and bulgar ia: geogr aphical and cultur al r elations 13 construction of site’s paleo-environment. The pe- janovski (2017); Dragiša Zdravkovski In Memo-
riod of the seventies marks the appearance of the riam: Cultural Manifestations during the Ne-
journal Macedoniae acta archaeologica, which reg- olithic Period on the Territory of the Republic of
ularly publishes the latest data on Macedonian ar- Macedonia and neighboring Regions) edited by
chaeology in general. Stojanova Kanzurova (2018); Geneza i razvoj na
Anzabegovo-Vršničkata kultura grupa (Genesis
In this period and then, the work of a dozen and Development of the Anzabegovo-Vršnik Cul-
domestic archaeologists is notable throughout tural Group) by Zdravkovski (2018) and the edit-
the whole territory of North Macedonia: Sanev, ed series by Fidanoski and Naumov (2016; 2017;
Saržoski, Simoska, Kitanoski, Todorović, Kuz- 2018) Neolithic in Macedonia.
man, Bilbija, Zdravkovski, Jovčevska, Mitkoski
and others. In the early 1980s, one of the most Prehistoric sites and cultures on the territo-
important monographs on Balkan Prehistory ry of Bulgaria are probably one of the best stud-
– Prehistory of the Yugoslav Countries (Prais- ied in the Balkans. At the very beginning of the
torija Jugoslavenskih zemalja), edited by Benac, 20th century, the work of Čilingirov and Popov,
was published, thus validating the benefits from the first Bulgarian prehistorians, should be not-
the previous studies of the Neolithic in North ed, leaving behind important data on prehistor-
Macedonia and other countries of former Yugo- ic sites in Bulgaria.
slavia. In this edition for the first time are for-
mulated the two most important Neolithic cul- In the period prior to the Second World
tures in Macedonia: Amzabegovo-Vršnik and War, the name of Mikov should be noted, which
Velušina-Porodin. The results of recent inves- first started the research of the eponymous pre-
tigations, as well as the revision of some of the historic site of Karanovo, and in the postwar pe-
views, were-actualized several years ago in an riod, together with one of the pioneers of the
edited book in honor of M. Garašanin – Hom- Bulgarian archaeological school, Georgiev, lay
mage to Milutin Garašanin, edited by Tasić and the foundations of the Karanovo culture and
Grozdanov (2006), and in two monographs: Ne- periodization, thus strengthening the founda-
olithic communities in the Republic of Macedonia tions of Bulgarian prehistoric archaeology. The
by Naumov, Fidanoski, Tolevski and Ivkovska latter, especially in the second half of the 20th
(2009) and Patterns and Corporeality: Neolith- century, is intensively investigating prehistor-
ic Visual Culture from the Republic of Macedonia ic sites and regularly publishes the results. The
by Naumov (2009b). In the last ten years other work of Gaul, who first noticed the homogeny
edited books and monographs were published, of the Neolithic of western Bulgaria, formulates
enlighting the newest insights on Macedonian the culture of West Bulgarian painted pottery
Neolithic, such as: Anzabegovo: naselba od ra- (Todorova and Vaysov 1993, 97).
niot i sredniot neolit vo Makedonija (Anzabego-
vo: Settlement from the Early and Middle Neo- After postulating the periodization and
lithic in Macedonia) edited by Sanev (2009а); cultural specifics of the Bulgarian Neolithic, the
Neolitski antropomorfni predmeti vo Republi- work on this prehistoric period was further in-
ka Makedonija (Neolithic Anthropomorphic Ob- tensified in the period after the 1960s. In this
jects in Republic of Macedonia) by Naumov and period, the research of: Detev, Petkov, Todoro-
Čausidis (2011); Grnčarica: naselba od raniot ne- va, Radunčeva, B. Nikolov, V. Nikolov, M. Čo-
olit (Grnčarica: Settlement from the Early Neo- hadžiev, S. Čohadžiev, M. Kănčev, K. Kănčev,
lithic) by Jovčevska (2013); Neolitski figurini vo Stanev, Perničeva, Bakamska, Grębska-Ku-
Makedonija (Neolithic Figurines in Macedonia) low, Kulov, Gatcov, Vaysov, Bojadžiev, Leštak-
ov and others should be ponted out. During this
period, international cooperation was inten-
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