Page 19 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(1) (2021)
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ia universitatisba-Porodin, Vrbjanska Čuka-Slavej, Veluška Calibrated dates BC (2σ) for Cerje-Govrlevo
Tumba-Porodin, Tumba-Mogila, Markovi Kuli (Fidanoski 2012, Fig. 38a, b).
ear ly neolithic in north macedonia and bulgar ia: geogr aphical and cultur al r elations 19 and Golema Tumba-Trn (Gimbutas 1976b; Sr-
doć et al. 1977; Thissen 2000; Thissen 2005; Re- 6,960±50 BP 5,923–5,735 (86,9%) (2σ) cal BC,
ingruber and Thissen 2005; Whittle et al. 2005; 6,955±34 BP 5,893–5,728 (94,4%) (2σ) cal BC,
Fidanoski 2009a; Naumov 2009c; Fidanoski 6,894±34 BP 5,814–5,714 (85,9%) (2σ) cal BC,
2012; Naumov 2016; Naumov et al. 2016; Sto- 6,516±139 BP 5,714–5,228 (94,4%) (2σ) cal BC.
janovski 2017; Veljanovska 2017; Fidanoski 2018;
Naumov et al. 2018; According Calibrated dates BC (2σ) for sites of Velušina-
to the scope of research for the purposes of this Porodin culture (Whittle et al. 2005).
analysis, the dates of the following Macedonian
EN and MN sites will be given. Čuka-Topolčani
7,680±160 BP, 6,862–6,236 (87,7%) (2σ) cal BC,
Calibrated dates BC (2σ) for Barutnica- 7010±190 BP, 6,253–5,558 (95,1%) (2σ) cal BC.
Amzabegovo (Whittle et al. 2005).
Vrbjanska Čuka-Slavej
7,560±70 BP, 6,510–6,230 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, 6996±24 BP, 5,981–5,807 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC,
7,230±170 BP, 6,450–5,750 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, 6946±44 BP, 5,972–5,732 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC.
7,210±50 BP, 6,210–5,980 (93,3%) (2σ) cal BC,
7,180±60 BP, 6,220–5,970 (85,2 %) (2σ) cal BC, Veluška Tumba-Porodin
7,150±70 BP, 6,120–5,840 (86,7%) (2σ) cal BC, 6950±120 BP, 6,034–5,635 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC,
7,120±100 BP, 6,220–5,770 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, 6900±90 BP, 5,928–5,641 (89,2%) (2σ) cal BC,
7,110±120 BP, 6,220–5,730 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, 6890±140 BP, 6,032–5,553 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC.
7,110±120 BP, 6,220–5,730 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC,
7,080±60 BP, 6,070–5,800 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, For Barutnica-Amzabegovo dates, accord-
7,050±150 BP, 6,250–5,600 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, ing to stratigraphical data and comparative ana-
7,050±80 BP, 6,030–5,730 (93,5%) (2σ) cal BC, lyzes on the material, Gimbutas (1976b, 29) po-
7,000±270 BP, 6,500–5,300 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, sitioned the EN between 6,100–5,800 cal BC
7,000±280 BP, 6,500–5,300 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, and the MN between 5,800–5,500 cal BC. Ac-
cording to comparative and contextual data for
6,830±70 BP, 5,850 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, the transitional phase between EN and MN the
6,940±80 BP, 5,930–5,660 (85,9%) (2σ) cal BC, values for Cerje-Govrlevo fall in the interval be-
6,840±120 BP, 5,930–5,520 (91,5%) (2σ) cal BC, tween 5,900–5,700 cal BC. Regarding the data
6,850±50 BP, 5,810–5,630 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, for Čuka-Topolčani, Vrbjanska Čuka-Slavej and
6,800±140 BP, 6,000–5,450 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, Veluška Tumba-Porodin, according to some au-
6,700±150 BP, 5,900–5,300 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, thors, later dates are expected i.e., between 6,000
6,630±150 BP, 5,850–5,300 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC, and 5,500 cal BC (Thissen 2000, 207; Naumov
6,510±110 BP, 5,670–5,260 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC. 2009c, 26; Fidanoski 2009a, 34).
6,440±120 BP, 5,650–5,050 (95,4%) (2σ) cal BC.
The dataset of Bulgarian Neolithic is much
larger and obtained from several EN, MN
and LN sites, but still new dates are welcome
(Nikolov 1992, 11–2; Todorova and Vaysov 1993,
86–91; Reingruber and Thissen 2005; Görsdorf
and Bojadžiev 1996; For the
purposes of this work the EN and MN dates of
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