Page 21 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(1) (2021)
P. 21
ia universitatistween 6,200–5,800 cal BC. The same should be others contains also contains MN phases i.e.,
made, for the MN or the second phase of the EN the phase Amzabegovo-Vršnik I belongs to the
ear ly neolithic in north macedonia and bulgar ia: geogr aphical and cultur al r elations 21 (phase B) according to the Bulgarian archaeo- EN, and the phases II–IV to the MN (Garaša-
logical school (see below) in the interval 5,800– nin 1979, 90–92; Sanev 1995, 29). According to
5,500 cal BC. Gimbutas, the LN is present at the site of Ba-
rutnica-Amzabegovo, and on the basis of her re-
Cultures, cultural zones, blocks and complexes search she created chronology for the site, thus
By using comparative approach, primarily on the – the phase Amzabegovo I belongs to the EN,
basis of analyzes of pottery and absolute chro- phases II–III to the MN and phase IV to the LN
nology, in North Macedonia and Bulgaria, sev- (Gimbutas 1976b, 29). Nikolov (1999b, 2) formu-
eral cultures, cultural zones, blocks and com- lates a new group, Kremenik-Amzabegovo, and
plexes have been defined. Keyfactor for these places it chronologically as second phase of the
determinations were forms’ analyzis and pottery EN. Velušina-Porodin culture with the deter-
decoration. According to Todorova and Vaysov mined four phases (I–IV) belongs only to the
(1993, 74, 89, 98–99), monochrome vessels or EN, although most of the authors consider that
Monochrome Neolithic is unequally present the MN phase(s) also occurs (Garšanin 1979,
and scarce in the earliest appearance of Neolith- 108; Simoska and Sanev 1975, 77, 78, 82; Sanev
ic in Bulgaria and in the larger Balkans’ territo- 1995, 40–42; Fidanoski 2009а, 31–32). Con-
ry. Generally, the rounded forms of red colored cerning the considered sites in this study, Barut-
vessels and the appearance of a white painted or- nica-Amzabegovo and Cerje-Govrlevo belong
namentation on a red (reddish) background are to Amzabegovo-Vršnik culture, while Veluška
typical for the EN on a very wide area in the Bal- Tumba-Porodin, Čuka-Topolčani and Vrbjans-
kans (Gimbutas 1976b, 37–65; Garašanin 1979, ka Čuka-Slavej belong to Velušina-Porodin cul-
92; Garašanin 1989, 27; Nikolov 1990, 11; Todor- ture (Fidanoski 2009a, 34).
ova and Vaysov 1993, 89; Sanev 1995; Nikolov
2003, 103, Sanev 2004). In North Macedonia, The Bulgarian EN sites considered in this
according to most of the authors, the next phase study were included in different cultures by dif-
after EN – the MN, is characterized by identi- ferent authors (Fig 3). According to Todorova and
cal forms that originate from the EN phase, but Vaysov (1993, 98–105), Slatina-Sofia and Gălăb-
with a dark painted ornamentation (Gimbu- nik belong to the culture of the Western Bulgar-
tas 1976b, 37–65; Garašanin 1979, 92; Garaša- ian Painted Pottery Neolithic, and according to
nin 1989, 27; Sanev 1995; Sanev 2004). The MN Nikolov (1996a, 1) and Pavúk (2007, 165) both
within the Bulgarian archaeological school is sites form separate cultures i.e. Slatina-Sofia in
only a hypothetical phase and should be reffered its early phase belongs to the culture of Slati-
to as late or second phase of the EN (Nikolov na, and in its later phase to that of Kremikov-
1990, 11; Todorova and Vaysov 1993, 77, 78, 107; ci (Nikolov 1999c, 1–2). Gălăbnik is the epon-
Nikolov 2003, 103; Čohadžhiev 2007, 92). ymous site for the Gălăbnik culture (Nikolov
1996b, 2). Phases from 1 to 7 of the Gălăbnik
In North Macedonia, the EN is registered EN, according to Pavúk and M. Čohadžhiev,
in three cultures: Amzabegovo-Vršnik (east- belongs to the Protostarčevo culture, and in lat-
ern and northwestern parts of North Macedo- er EN phase (parallel with the MN of the Mac-
nia), Velušina-Porodin (southwestern part of edonian chronology) belongs to the Starčevo
North Macedonia – Pelagonia) and Zlastra- culture (Bakamska 2007, 175). The above men-
na (Ohrid region) (Fig 2) (Fidanoski 2009a, 31). tioned monochrome or Early Ceramic site Kra-
These cultures were formulated by Garašanin jnici consisting three horizons of living, the
and Sanev, with a special emphasis on the first earliest of which is characterized only by mon-
of them, Amzabegovo-Vršnik, which, unlike- ochrome pottery and is thus determined (with-
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