Page 26 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(1) (2021)
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dia universitatis her editati, letnik 9 (2021), številk a 1 / volume 9 (2021), number 1 26es or affinities, two general types of motifs cannated bowls from Čuka-Topolčani (Fig 5: 1) and
be found at all sites. Here, only those who illus- Veluška Tumba-Porodin (Fig 5: 2, 3) have direct
hereditatitrate the greatest similarities are presented. The analogies in the material from the earlier hori-
situation with MN bowls is simmilar, hence the zons of Gălăbnik (Fig 5: 7–9), showing minimal
stricter geometrical-linear motifs and composi- differences in the milder belly carination and
tions are found in Barutnica-Amzabegovo (Fig the discoid bottoms, and even in some cases also
7: 1, 2), Cerje-Govrlevo (Fidanoski and Tomaž with the high cylindrical formed bottom (Fig
2018, Figs. 22, 23), Gălăbnik (Fig 7: 6) and Slati- 5: 7). The rounded bowls of Veluška Tumba-Po-
na-Sofia (Fig 7: 7). The more dynamic composi- rodin (Fig 5: 4) and Vrbjanska Čuka-Slavej (Fig
tional structures of this phase/s include certain 5: 5, 6), on the other hand, point to close analo-
almost figural representations created by spira- gies with the material from the early living ho-
loid or/and meandroid rows, such as in Barutni- rizons of Slatina-Sofia (Fig 5: 10, 11) and Raki-
ca-Amzabegovo (Fig 7: 3), Cerje-Govrlevo (Fig tovo (Fig 5: 12). The specimens from Vrbjanska
7: 4, 5), Gălăbnik (Fig 7: 10, 11) and Slatina-Sofia Čuka-Slavej are also interesting for their unique
(Fig 7: 8, 9). However, it should be pointed out decoration – the protuberances, which are typi-
that the MN dark painted bowls are very sim- cal only for this site. Given that there is scarcity
milar in forms and ornamentation structures of published material on paint-decorated bowls
on a much larger territory than North Macedo- from Velušina-Porodin culture, except one white
nia and western Bulgaria. Such specimens are of- painted specimen with motifs in the form of the
ten discovered in Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia and Greek letter Σ (Todorova and Vaysov 1993, Fig.
Romania, thus providing space for more gener- 59, 69), as well as several jars and jar-like ves-
al interpretatitions such as establishing cultural sels with the same ornamentation, Pavúk (2007,
complexes in the literature especially in the past. Abb. 2, 13, 168) logically finds, on the basis of or-
Therefore, it is understandable that this period is namention, analogies in Kovačevo. Additional
often identified as EN (or MN) period (or cul- interpretation problems in the comparative and
ture) of Starčevo. cultural studies are the various composition sys-
tems painted on the bowls from Gălăbnik and
The bowls from Velušina-Porodin culture the specimens from Slatina-Sofia. Namely, two
belong exclusively to the EN, bearing in mind of the Gălăbnik bowls (Fig 5: 7, 9) have some
that MN phase(s) was not documented (see in analogies in ornamentation with some spec-
the previous chapter). The only specimen (from imens from Velušina-Porodin culture. These
Vrbjanska Čuka-Slavej) which is similar to also have similarities with the ornamentation
the previous ones from this culture (Fidanoski of Amzabegovo-Vršnik culture, and finally one
2009b, Pl. 44, 18), clearly demonstrates the cul- specimen of Gălăbnik (Fig 5: 8) and one of Slati-
tures’ admixtures and problems of interpreta- na-Sofia (Fig 5: 10), on the basis of the ornamen-
tion and periodization. Concerning manufac- tion, have no close analogy with the other sites or
turing technology, it is safe to say that it is the cultures. Given the complexity of the ornamen-
same as the above mentioned. Having in mind tation, both within and out of the sites, the focus
the typological spectrum of the pottery of Ve- should be set more on forms than decoration,
lušina-Porodin sites, I consider that the essen- thus I consider that Veluška Tumba-Porodin
tial characteristics of this culture are the bowls and Vrbjanska Čuka-Slavej have a great famili-
forms, as well as jars with high necks (Fidanoski arity with Gălăbnik, Slatina-Sofia and Rakitovo.
2009b, Pl. 34, 5; Pl. 43, 12; Pl. 67, 1–3). The bowls
of this culture have elongated forms, slightly or Two more phenomena that can be seen on
heavily stressed rim inwards, rounded or carinat- the EN (and MN) painted pottery from western
ed belly that almost always ends in a rounded or Bulgaria should be noted, but in North Macedo-
slightly flatened bottom (Fig 5: 1–6). The cari- nia they are very rare or do not exist. The painted
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