Page 25 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(1) (2021)
P. 25
ia universitatis In literature the Balkans’ EN pottery is rec- massive applied ellipsoid clay mass (Fidanoski
ognized by rounded forms, especially the most 2009b, Pl. 15, 5, 6, 11). There are almost identical
ear ly neolithic in north macedonia and bulgar ia: geogr aphical and cultur al r elations 25 characteristic vessels – bowls and jars (and jar- variants from the earliest living horizons of Slati-
like forms). The most common color is red with na-Sofia (Fig. 4: 6) and Krajnici (Fig. 4: 7). One
various dark and pale nuances, on which (es- specimen from Vaksevo (Fig. 4: 8) is very similar
pecially on the bowls) is painted ornamenta- to the more opened bowl from Barutnica-Amza-
tion with white or black pigment. It should be begovo (Fig. 4: 3). The bowls with slightly closed
stressed that painted pottery is very scarce on rims – the variants of Kovačevo (Fig. 4: 9–11)
the sites bearing individual and collective, tech- are similar with two from Barutnica-Amzabe-
nological, symbolical and social properties with- govo (Fig. 4: 1, 2). Closeness of these variants is
in the communities, thus being one of the more also noticed in the MN (the second phase of the
relevant chronological and cultural markers EN according to the Bulgarian literature), where
for comparation. Jars (jar-like) vessels comprise the same forms continue, with one difference –
many different types, some of their variants are the appearance of high conical, hollow leg (a fea-
almost identical with bowls and interestingly ture which should be regarded conditionally, see
they can be decorated by almost all known Neo- Fidanoski and Tomaž 2018, 138). However, the
lithic decoration techniques. Hence, apart from presence of these (MN) legs is well document-
the characteristic forms and decorations the ed in the MN layers of Barutnica-Amzabegovo
comparisons of these vessels decorated with rare- (Fig. 7: 1–3), Cerje-Govrlevo (Fig. 7: 4, 5) and in
ly practiced techniques, between one site and an- the later horizons of Gălăbnik (Fig. 7: 6, 11). The
other, that is, between culture and culture, can bowls’ dimensions vary between 14 and 20 cm,
lead to more confusion. The situation is worse rarely exceeding the larger value.
with the plates – the most abundant form on the
Neolithic sites, which are chronologically and These vessels’ color varies in all hues of red,
culturally almost indifferent of changes in the orange, brown and even black. Namely, one of
EN and MN phases/periods. the characteristics of the EN pottery (and also
MN in the Macedonian literature) according to
Bowls are one of the abundant forms in Bal- literature so far, is the red-engobed bowls pro-
kans’ EN and MN pottery represented by many duction. Generally, it is considered that on their
variants and subtypes. According to Stoilov-Bun- surface the painted ornaments with pale hues
kera (1992, 130), the bowls from Slatina-Sofia, of white and yellowish pigment, are typical for
were coil made (building a vessel of clay bands the EN (Fig. 4), and in the MN the bowls paint-
which are placed in vertical rows one above the ed with ornaments of reddish, brownish and
other, later covered with wet clay), which can black pigment (Fig. 7). However, the cultural
be accepted as the main manufacturing tech- and chronological differentiation on the basis
nique for other EN and MN Balkan Neolith- of this pale and dark ornamentation should also
ic sites. In the EN phase of Amzabegovo-Vršnik be considered conditionally (Gardner 1976, 171;
culture the bowls are characterized by (almost) Fidanoski and Tomaž 2018, 138). Concerning
equal height and width of the rim (Fidanoski the ornamentational systems the white paint-
2017b, 126), and very often have a slightly larg- ed bowls from Barutnica-Amzabegovo and Vak-
er belly diameter (Fig. 4: 1–5). Generally, the rim sevo are characterized by more dynamical, even
is stressed and the bottom can be flattened (Fig. ‘organical’ (vegetal?) motifs, unlike those from
4: 1, 2) or discoid (placed on a very shallow ring) Cerje-Govrlevo and Kovačevo painted with ge-
(Fig. 4: 2). Similar forms can be found in Cer- ometrical motifs. However, due to limitations
je-Govrlevo (Fig. 4: 4, 5). The specimens from of space to present here all the white paint-
Barutnica-Amzabegovo in some cases have two ed specimens from the mentioned sites, I un-
or four handles resembling vertically perforated, derline that depending on the EN stages/phas-
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