Page 74 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(1) (2021)
P. 74
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 9 (2021), številk a 1 / volume 9 (2021), number 1 74also remember the considerations expressed byFigure 3. Head axes n. 666 and n. 667
R. Parenti in 1994 on the axe heads examined (photo: Andrea Biondi).
hereditatihere (Parenti 1994b). Although R. Parenti had
already included these last objects in some gen- per back and one on the lower back). Number
eral considerations relating to the actual use of 667, on the contrary, has a simple cylinder han-
bearded axes, we believe that the reinterpreta- dle. Numbers 666 and 679 have T-shaped han-
tion of the 1910 inventory documents of E. Galli, dles with characteristic dilations of the final por-
proposed here, will definitively help to include in tion that curves into two shoulders (one upper
the scientific debate the objects examined in the and one lower). About the napes of the four axe
light of more general considerations on the Lom- heads (that, as known, is an element collocat-
bard presence in Fiesole. ed behind the handle hole whose function was
above all related to the balancing of the object),
Starting with the material and morpholog- these are present in 3 of the 4 analyzed specimens
ical analysis of the axe heads, it has been firstly (number 666, 667 and 670). In two of the speci-
considered the shape of the blade. As known, the mens (667 and 670), napes are distinct from the
blade technically corresponds to the portion of backs and have a rectangular shape. For 667 the
the weapon that includes the cut (the side with nape has a small shape (3 cm) whereas the nape
which the shot was carried), the upper back and of number 670 has a large shape (8 cm). Regard-
the lower back. The nape and the form of the ing numbers 666 and 679, with T-shaped han-
handling can be used as other criteria for clas- dles, the first has just a 1,5 cm long nape before
sification. the T end, whereas number 679 has not nape.

The four axe heads examined are all belong-
ing to the type of bearded axes (Bartäxte) but
some differences can be identified among them.
As known, the distinctive feature of the speci-
mens from this group of shape blade is the down-
ward development of the blade, whose cut as-
sumes a L profile (Parenti 1994b; Cagnana 2003).

The two axe heads marked with inventory
numbers 666 and 670 (Figg. 3, 4, 6 and 8) are
both characterized by sub-rectangular blades
slightly narrowing from top to bottom. The up-
per backs are curved and inclined upwards. The
axe head marked with inventory number 667
(Figg. 3 and 7) has the width of the rectangu-
lar blade that is more constant in its length than
for number 666 and 670 but has a similar upper
back that is slightly inclined upwards. The last
axe head, inventory number 679 (Figg. 4 and
9), has a trapezoidal bearded blade: the particu-
lar conformation is characterized by a sensitive
variation in width along the development of the

Regarding other morphological aspects
related to the axe heads, the number 670 has
two couples of triangular reinforcement shoul-
ders symmetrical to each other (one on the up-
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