Page 71 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(1) (2021)
P. 71
ia universitatis
lombar d weapons from fiesole, tuscan y (6th–7th century c.e.) ... 71
Figure 2. Detail of the Area Garibaldi in Fiesole and of the zone of the finds of the 19th century (plan: Andrea Biondi
after the free and open source database of Tuscany Region – CASTORE).

To conclude the discussion about the east- number, the provenance and a sort of summary
ern part of the city, we want also to remember description with all the available informations
an isolated tomb discovered under the Monte about the context. In detail, the findings chosen
Ceceri Middle School, in the locality of Borgun- and analyzed for this contribution are the fol-
to (east of Fiesole): this was caracterized just by lowing (in numerical order):
the presence of few ceramic fragments (current-
ly missing) with a generic dating to the full 7th - Number 650, spear head (Figg. 5 and 10);
century C.E. (Aleardi 1990). - Number 657, scramasax (Figg. 5 and 11);
- Number 666, axe head (Figg. 3 and 6);
The objects - Number 667, axe head (Figg. 3 and 7);
As already anticipated, the objects analyzed do - Number 670, axe head (Figg. 4 and 8);
not come from scientifically documented tombs. - Number 679, axe head (Figg. 4 and 9);
In the inventory of the Archaeological Museum - A spear head without inventory number
of Fiesole, realized by the archaeologist E. Galli,
the first conservator of the reminded institution, and not cited by Edoardo Galli (Figg. 5 and
they are reported from various origins. We have 11).
also to remind that the inventory is datable in its
first edition to 1910 and was created by E. Gal- Following the order just mentioned, the first
li several years after the discovery of the finds in spear head (number 650) is described by E. Gal-
question. However, in the pages describing the li in 1910 as “Ferro di lancia di schema rettango-
objects, some relevant informations are reported lare, con tozza punta, angoli inferiori delle pinne
which overall reflects the knowledge of the time arrotondati e corto cannone conico d’ innesto. Non
regarding materials that were defined with the si nota la costola longitudinale nel mezzo. Lung-
generic and improperly definition of barbaric. In hezza: 0,34” (Galli 1910, 335)1. Regarding the
the inventory, for each object, with the exception
of a single spear head, it is recorded the specific 1 Here the English traduction from the original document: Spearhe-
ad with a rectangular design, with a stubby tip, rounded lower fin
corners and a short conical graft socket. The longitudinal rib in the
middle is not noticed. Length: 0.34.
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