Page 72 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(1) (2021)
P. 72
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 9 (2021), številk a 1 / volume 9 (2021), number 1 72provenance of the object, E. Galli reports “Igno-Lama di coltello di forma rettangolare, ad
ta; dono del Marchese Carlo Strozzi, epoca inde- un sol taglio e con largo codolo per fissarvi il
hereditatiterminata” (Galli 1910, 335)2. Therefore, the find manico. Frammentata alla punta; lunghez-
comes from the private collection of the Marquis za: 0,27 (Galli 1910, 339)6.
Carlo Strozzi, representative of one of the most
illustrious and ancient Florentine noble families, The other two specimens, already mentioned in
who donated various finds to the Archaeologi- connection with the comparison with the axe
cal Museum of Fiesole at the end of the 19th cen- head number 670, are described on the same
tury. The Marquis, as it is known, acquired the page of the inventory by E. Galli. In detail the
objects of his collection both as a family inher- scholar reports:
itance and by purchasing them on the antiques
market. For this reason, therefore, the prove- Numero 2 accette (secures) formate da un
nance of this object is completely unknown. taglio o penna molto prolungata in basso,
di schema rettangolare, dal foro ovale per
Also the axe head number 670 derives from il manico, fiancheggiato sulle due aperture
a donation of the Marquis Carlo Strozzi as it has da orecchiette, e dal dorso foggiato a mar-
been reported: “Località ed epoca indetermina- tello. L’aspetto generale di siffatte scuri ri-
ta; dono del Marchese Carlo Strozzi” (Galli 1910, chiama quello della cateia celtica dei più an-
344)3. Subsequently E. Galli describes the axe tichi monumenti etruschi e liguri (cfr. stele
head as “Accetta di forma identica a quelle menzi- fiesolana di Sarthi Animies e stele primiti-
onate sotto i numeri 666-7, con questa sola differ- va della Val di Magra di proprietà Baccani
enza, che l’esemplare Strozzi ha la parte posteriore a Pontremoli). Lunghezza rispettiva: 0,15 e
foggiata a martello molto più prolungata. Lung- 0,17; taglio 0,14 e 0,15 (Galli 1910, 342)7.
hezza: 0,20; taglio 0,15” (Galli 1910, 344)4. Also
in this case we do not know neither the prove- From the description of E. Galli, it is clear
nance of the object, nor the exact date of discov- that the axe heads had been identified not as a
ery. However, E. Galli noticed some similarities Lombard weapons but, on the contrary, as ob-
between the specimen in question and the num- jects of possible Etruscan or Ligurian origin.
bers 666 and 667 that we will see in the next This erroneous consideration can be attribut-
lines. ed to the fact that at the time, at least for Tusca-
ny, the material knowledge on the phases follow-
The specimens 657, 666 and 667 are identi- ing the 5th century C.E. was still rather scarce
fiable in order as a scramasax and two axe heads and, at the same time, the scientific communi-
and were found in 1879 in the rear portion of ty and public opinion were more attracted by ro-
the Town Hall of Fiesole: “Fiesole, Piazza Mino man and etruscan origins rather than by Mid-
a tergo del Palazzo Pretorio, 1879” (Galli 1910, dle Ages.
342)5. In detail, the scramasax (number 657) is
described as Furthermore, the area in which these 3
weapons were found could be identifiable with
2 Here the English traduction from the original document: Unk- the current Area Garibaldi. Unfortunately, it is
nown; gift of the Marquis Carlo Strozzi, undetermined period.
6 Here the English traduction from the original document: Rectan-
3 Here the English traduction from the original document: Indeter- gular knife blade, single cut and with a wide tang to fix the handle.
minate place and time; gift of the Marquis Carlo Strozzi. Fragmented at the tip; length: 0.27.

4 Here the English traduction from the original document: Axe 7 Here the English traduction from the original document: Num-
head identical in shape to those mentioned under numbers 666-7, ber 2 axes (secures) formed by a very prolonged cut or pen at the
with this only difference, that the Strozzi model has a much longer bottom, with a rectangular pattern, with an oval hole for the hand-
hammer-shaped back. Length: 0.20; cut 0.15. le, flanked on the two openings by orecchiette, and a hammer-sha-
ped back. The general appearance of such shutters recalls that of
5 Here the English traduction from the original document: Fiesole, the Celtic catheia of the most ancient Etruscan and Ligurian mo-
Piazza Mino on the back of the Palazzo Pretorio, 1879. numents (see Fiesolan stele of Sarthi Animies and primitive stele of
Val di Magra owned by Baccani in Pontremoli). Respective length:
0.15 and 0.17; cut 0.14 and 0.15.
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