Page 68 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 68
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 68information interactively from specifically thatthe interpretation and the topic at hand. But it has also
point of view. These kinds of interactive and par- tackled the new forms of understanding and interpre-
hereditatiticipatory way of content dissemination has to-tation that have emerged in recent years and how they
tally new possibilities to cater to the more com- can be translated in to interaction. In recent years spec-
plex issues of our time. ulative realism and object oriented ontology have cre-
ated a paradigm shift of sorts in philosophy in order to
Povzetek leave behind the idealist rift and enable it to deal with
the pressing issues of our modern times. This paper out-
Pri oblikovanju in pripravi interpretativnega načrta za lines the addition of another O in the discourse: the op-
interaktivne razstave je pomembno razmišljati o tem, erative one. Using examples of implementations that
katere interaktivne metafore uporabiti. Če namreč in- together can make palpable these new findings and per-
teraktivnost ni pravilno uporabljena, lahko ovira razu- spectives to visitors of exhibitions in general and their
mevanje interpretacije namesto da ga podpira. Članek interpretation of Land in particular. The resulting de-
je pokazal nekaj načinov, s katerimi se lahko interakcijo signs aim to enable shifts of foci whilst retaining the ob-
uskladi z interpretacijo teme, poleg tega pa se je dotaknil ject of attention for the museum visitor.
tudi novih oblik razumevanja in razlage, ki so se pojavile
v zadnjih letih in kako jih je mogoče prevesti v interakci- References
jo. V zadnjih letih sta špekulativni realizem in objektno
usmerjena ontologija ustvarila take paradigme v filozo- Lakoff George and Mark Johnson, Metaphors
fiji, da so skušale opusti idealistični razkol ter omogočiti, We Live By (Chicago:University of Chica-
da se ukvarjajo s perečimi vprašanji v današnjem času. Ta go Press, 1980).
dokument opisuje dodajanje drugega O-ja v diskurzu,
in sicer tistega operativnega. Z uporabo primerov im- Bryant Levi, Nick Srnicek and Graham Har-
plementacije se dokazuje te nove ugotovitve in možnos- man, ed.The speculative turn (Melbourne,
ti za obiskovalce razstav na splošno in njihovo interpre- [Victoria] Australia:, 2011).
tacijo dežele še posebej. Rezultat cilja predvsem k temu,
da se omogoči premike žarišč, hkrati pa ohranja pred- Morton, Timothy, Hyperobjects: Philosophy and
met pozornosti za muzejske obiskovalce. Ecology after the End of the World (Minne-
sota: University of Minnesota Press, 2013).
Nils Wiberg, Use Qualities: An Organic Luxu-
When designing and doing interpretive planning for ry We Can Afford. A Primer and Implemen-
interactive exhibitions it is important to think of what tation of how Organic Interfaces can Impro-
interactive metaphors to employ. If not used correctly ve the Use Quality Affordance (Umeå: Umeå
the interactivity can impede understanding of the inter- University, 2009).
pretation instead of supporting it. This paper has shown
some ways in which the interaction can harmonize with Gagarin, “Eldheimar”
eldheimar (2015-02-01).
Gagarin, “Sea Monster”,
work/sea_monster_table (2015-02-01).
Vimeo(a), (2015-
Vimeo(b), (2015-
point of view. These kinds of interactive and par- tackled the new forms of understanding and interpre-
hereditatiticipatory way of content dissemination has to-tation that have emerged in recent years and how they
tally new possibilities to cater to the more com- can be translated in to interaction. In recent years spec-
plex issues of our time. ulative realism and object oriented ontology have cre-
ated a paradigm shift of sorts in philosophy in order to
Povzetek leave behind the idealist rift and enable it to deal with
the pressing issues of our modern times. This paper out-
Pri oblikovanju in pripravi interpretativnega načrta za lines the addition of another O in the discourse: the op-
interaktivne razstave je pomembno razmišljati o tem, erative one. Using examples of implementations that
katere interaktivne metafore uporabiti. Če namreč in- together can make palpable these new findings and per-
teraktivnost ni pravilno uporabljena, lahko ovira razu- spectives to visitors of exhibitions in general and their
mevanje interpretacije namesto da ga podpira. Članek interpretation of Land in particular. The resulting de-
je pokazal nekaj načinov, s katerimi se lahko interakcijo signs aim to enable shifts of foci whilst retaining the ob-
uskladi z interpretacijo teme, poleg tega pa se je dotaknil ject of attention for the museum visitor.
tudi novih oblik razumevanja in razlage, ki so se pojavile
v zadnjih letih in kako jih je mogoče prevesti v interakci- References
jo. V zadnjih letih sta špekulativni realizem in objektno
usmerjena ontologija ustvarila take paradigme v filozo- Lakoff George and Mark Johnson, Metaphors
fiji, da so skušale opusti idealistični razkol ter omogočiti, We Live By (Chicago:University of Chica-
da se ukvarjajo s perečimi vprašanji v današnjem času. Ta go Press, 1980).
dokument opisuje dodajanje drugega O-ja v diskurzu,
in sicer tistega operativnega. Z uporabo primerov im- Bryant Levi, Nick Srnicek and Graham Har-
plementacije se dokazuje te nove ugotovitve in možnos- man, ed.The speculative turn (Melbourne,
ti za obiskovalce razstav na splošno in njihovo interpre- [Victoria] Australia:, 2011).
tacijo dežele še posebej. Rezultat cilja predvsem k temu,
da se omogoči premike žarišč, hkrati pa ohranja pred- Morton, Timothy, Hyperobjects: Philosophy and
met pozornosti za muzejske obiskovalce. Ecology after the End of the World (Minne-
sota: University of Minnesota Press, 2013).
Nils Wiberg, Use Qualities: An Organic Luxu-
When designing and doing interpretive planning for ry We Can Afford. A Primer and Implemen-
interactive exhibitions it is important to think of what tation of how Organic Interfaces can Impro-
interactive metaphors to employ. If not used correctly ve the Use Quality Affordance (Umeå: Umeå
the interactivity can impede understanding of the inter- University, 2009).
pretation instead of supporting it. This paper has shown
some ways in which the interaction can harmonize with Gagarin, “Eldheimar”
eldheimar (2015-02-01).
Gagarin, “Sea Monster”,
work/sea_monster_table (2015-02-01).
Vimeo(a), (2015-
Vimeo(b), (2015-