Page 73 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 73
ia universitatis ---]Pup(inia) Forens[is] cause this individual was appointed to some magi-
onomastical analysis of inscr iptions from koper and its vicint y 73 [annor]um XXIII stratcy, he was a Roman citizen.
[lec]tus ordine iura[torum sentetia]
Be that as it may, this formula appears only in
“Pupinia of the Forensis, years 23, chosen by two other inscriptions in northern Italy and Istria
the decision of the order of jurors” and it is possible that it was used only in a rather
short time of period and small geographical area.30
This inscription mentions only one person The inscription is considered to have been made in
whose name is not fully preserved. Praenomen and the early 1st century AD.
nomen gentile are completely missing, but the tri-
bal affiliation, cognomen and age are preserved. Funerary monument
of Lucius Publicius Syntropus
It is certain that Pup(inia) refers to the tri-
be in which the person was enrolled, as it is one of This big stone monument was used as a support
thirty-five known Roman tribes.25 As mentioned for the door frame of the doors on the southern
in the introduction, citizens of Tergeste were enrol- entrance of the Koper cathedral (Inscr. It. X. 3. 6;
led in the same tribe. Likely, when Aegida was con- CIL V 488). The monument, together with the
stituted as a municpium, its inhabitants were also doors is situated in the street close to the public
assigned to the tribe Pupinia .26 square. The monument went missing after 1788.
The inscription reads:
Cognomen Forensis is very rare and there is
only one other inscription mentioning this surna- L(ucius) Publicius
me in the western provinces27. Its origin is Latin Syntropus
and the word itself derives from the word for fo- archigallus
rum so it can be considered a true Roman cogno- v(ivus) f(ecit) sibi et
men.28 [...]
h(oc) m(onumentum) h(eredem) n(on) s(equ-
The last row of the inscription mentions a po- itur)
litical function or an appointment. The formu- “Lucius Publicius Syntropus, archigallus,
la lectus ordine iuratorum sentetia means that this made it for himself while still alive. This mo-
person was elected for some magistracy. Two other nument does not follow the heir”
inscriptions from Koper (Inscr. It. X. 3. 7.) and This is a monument of funerary character,
Aquileia (CIL V 949) also uses the same formula. erected by Lucius Publicius Syntropus for him-
There are different views on what this appointment self and one other person whose name is not pre-
might be related to. One is that this magistracy served because the fifth row of the inscription is
was a form of a legal advisor in the communities. missing.
There is also an argument that the formula itself Tria nomina formula, in which the name is
signifies a different magistracy, that of an advisor written, is a sign of Roman citizenship.
to censor who would be elected by the decurions. Praenomen Lucius is one of the most com-
Lastly, one theory suggests that it might signify a mon Roman names.
person elected into municpial ordo decurionum Nomen gentile, Publicius, is attested very of-
during the census.29 In any case, it is likely that be- ten in the northern Italy, especially in the area aro-
und Tergeste, northern Istria and Cisalpine Gaul.
25 Keppie, Understanding Roman Inscriptions, 140; Matijašić, Uvod u latinsku
epigrafiju, 66. 30 Maria S. Rossignano, “I Praefecti iure dicundo nell’Italia settentriona-
le” in Epigrafia. Actes du colloque international d’épigraphie latine
26 Starac, “Pitanje istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina en mémoire de Attilio Degrassi pour le centenaire de sa naissance.
Tergeste i Egida”, 28-29. Actes de colloque de Rome (27-28 mai 1988) (Rome: École França-
ise de Rome, 1991), 520.
27 Foresis-CIL III 1968; Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae
Latinarum et Galliae Cisalpinae, 129; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provin-
ciarum Europae Latinarum, vol. II, 148.
28 Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, 208; Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Rö-
mischen Provinz Dalmatia, 340.
29 Degrassi, Abitati Preistorici, 802-803; Alka Starac, “Pitanje istočne
granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina Tergeste i Egida”, 26.
onomastical analysis of inscr iptions from koper and its vicint y 73 [annor]um XXIII stratcy, he was a Roman citizen.
[lec]tus ordine iura[torum sentetia]
Be that as it may, this formula appears only in
“Pupinia of the Forensis, years 23, chosen by two other inscriptions in northern Italy and Istria
the decision of the order of jurors” and it is possible that it was used only in a rather
short time of period and small geographical area.30
This inscription mentions only one person The inscription is considered to have been made in
whose name is not fully preserved. Praenomen and the early 1st century AD.
nomen gentile are completely missing, but the tri-
bal affiliation, cognomen and age are preserved. Funerary monument
of Lucius Publicius Syntropus
It is certain that Pup(inia) refers to the tri-
be in which the person was enrolled, as it is one of This big stone monument was used as a support
thirty-five known Roman tribes.25 As mentioned for the door frame of the doors on the southern
in the introduction, citizens of Tergeste were enrol- entrance of the Koper cathedral (Inscr. It. X. 3. 6;
led in the same tribe. Likely, when Aegida was con- CIL V 488). The monument, together with the
stituted as a municpium, its inhabitants were also doors is situated in the street close to the public
assigned to the tribe Pupinia .26 square. The monument went missing after 1788.
The inscription reads:
Cognomen Forensis is very rare and there is
only one other inscription mentioning this surna- L(ucius) Publicius
me in the western provinces27. Its origin is Latin Syntropus
and the word itself derives from the word for fo- archigallus
rum so it can be considered a true Roman cogno- v(ivus) f(ecit) sibi et
men.28 [...]
h(oc) m(onumentum) h(eredem) n(on) s(equ-
The last row of the inscription mentions a po- itur)
litical function or an appointment. The formu- “Lucius Publicius Syntropus, archigallus,
la lectus ordine iuratorum sentetia means that this made it for himself while still alive. This mo-
person was elected for some magistracy. Two other nument does not follow the heir”
inscriptions from Koper (Inscr. It. X. 3. 7.) and This is a monument of funerary character,
Aquileia (CIL V 949) also uses the same formula. erected by Lucius Publicius Syntropus for him-
There are different views on what this appointment self and one other person whose name is not pre-
might be related to. One is that this magistracy served because the fifth row of the inscription is
was a form of a legal advisor in the communities. missing.
There is also an argument that the formula itself Tria nomina formula, in which the name is
signifies a different magistracy, that of an advisor written, is a sign of Roman citizenship.
to censor who would be elected by the decurions. Praenomen Lucius is one of the most com-
Lastly, one theory suggests that it might signify a mon Roman names.
person elected into municpial ordo decurionum Nomen gentile, Publicius, is attested very of-
during the census.29 In any case, it is likely that be- ten in the northern Italy, especially in the area aro-
und Tergeste, northern Istria and Cisalpine Gaul.
25 Keppie, Understanding Roman Inscriptions, 140; Matijašić, Uvod u latinsku
epigrafiju, 66. 30 Maria S. Rossignano, “I Praefecti iure dicundo nell’Italia settentriona-
le” in Epigrafia. Actes du colloque international d’épigraphie latine
26 Starac, “Pitanje istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina en mémoire de Attilio Degrassi pour le centenaire de sa naissance.
Tergeste i Egida”, 28-29. Actes de colloque de Rome (27-28 mai 1988) (Rome: École França-
ise de Rome, 1991), 520.
27 Foresis-CIL III 1968; Mócsy, Nomenclator provinciarum Europae
Latinarum et Galliae Cisalpinae, 129; Lőrincz, Onomasticon provin-
ciarum Europae Latinarum, vol. II, 148.
28 Kajanto, The Latin Cognomina, 208; Alföldy, Die Personennamen in der Rö-
mischen Provinz Dalmatia, 340.
29 Degrassi, Abitati Preistorici, 802-803; Alka Starac, “Pitanje istočne
granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina Tergeste i Egida”, 26.