Page 69 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 69
ia Onomastical analysis of inscriptions from Koper and its vicintyuniversitatis
Vladimir Kusik
The article gives an onomastical analysis of twenty-four inscritpions found in or in the vicinity of Koper,
all of which are already published in the relevant corpora of Latin texts. Origin of the people mentioned
in the inscriptions include indigenous population romanized to certain extent, orientals, westerners
and immigrants from other parts of Italy. All inscriptions are dated to the period of the Principate.
Keywords: Aegida, Koper, onomastics, romanization,epigraphy
The idea for this article originated as a se- pulation of Aegida in antiquity,3 an onomastical
minary work which was a part of the analysis of each monument can further contri-
curriculum during the authors stay at bute to the knowledge of this subject. Throught
the University of Primorska within the student it, not only the origin and the frequency of the
exchange programme. As the scope of the work name in the Empire is given, but also the soci-
grew, Dr. Gregor Pobežin suggested and provi- al, legal and in some rare cases geographical in-
ded professional guidance to further analyze the formation about the inhabitants of Aegida. Each
names of the inhabitants of Aegida (todays Ko- momunent analyzed in the article is presented
per) mentioned on the inscriptions found in Ko- with the nature of its finding, the information
per and its vicinity.1 of its whereabouts and the place of keeping. The
inscriptions are translated, each part of the name
All the monuments are already published2 of the person mentioned is analyzed and all ava-
and although it has been written about the po- ilable information that can be discerned is pre-
sented. The monuments are dated on the basis
1 An article about the names found in Volčji Grad served as a starting
point for this work, see Gregor Pobežin, “Nagrobnik s cerkve sv. Ja- 3 Attilio Degrassi, Abitati Preistorici E Romani Nell’agro Di Capodi-
neza Krstnika na Volčjem Gradu (CIL V 712) “, in Volčji grad, ed. stria E Il Sito Dell’antica Egida, (Parenzo: G. Coana & Figli, 1933);
Mitja Guštin (Komen: Občina Komen, 2012), 59-67. Alka Starac, “Pitanje istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos
općina Tergeste i Egida”, Histria Archaeologica 24-25 (1993-1994):
2 Attilio Degrassi, Inscriptiones Italiae, Vol. X., Regio X, Fasc. III- 5-57.
Histria septentrionalis (Roma: La libreria dello Stato, 1936).
Vladimir Kusik
The article gives an onomastical analysis of twenty-four inscritpions found in or in the vicinity of Koper,
all of which are already published in the relevant corpora of Latin texts. Origin of the people mentioned
in the inscriptions include indigenous population romanized to certain extent, orientals, westerners
and immigrants from other parts of Italy. All inscriptions are dated to the period of the Principate.
Keywords: Aegida, Koper, onomastics, romanization,epigraphy
The idea for this article originated as a se- pulation of Aegida in antiquity,3 an onomastical
minary work which was a part of the analysis of each monument can further contri-
curriculum during the authors stay at bute to the knowledge of this subject. Throught
the University of Primorska within the student it, not only the origin and the frequency of the
exchange programme. As the scope of the work name in the Empire is given, but also the soci-
grew, Dr. Gregor Pobežin suggested and provi- al, legal and in some rare cases geographical in-
ded professional guidance to further analyze the formation about the inhabitants of Aegida. Each
names of the inhabitants of Aegida (todays Ko- momunent analyzed in the article is presented
per) mentioned on the inscriptions found in Ko- with the nature of its finding, the information
per and its vicinity.1 of its whereabouts and the place of keeping. The
inscriptions are translated, each part of the name
All the monuments are already published2 of the person mentioned is analyzed and all ava-
and although it has been written about the po- ilable information that can be discerned is pre-
sented. The monuments are dated on the basis
1 An article about the names found in Volčji Grad served as a starting
point for this work, see Gregor Pobežin, “Nagrobnik s cerkve sv. Ja- 3 Attilio Degrassi, Abitati Preistorici E Romani Nell’agro Di Capodi-
neza Krstnika na Volčjem Gradu (CIL V 712) “, in Volčji grad, ed. stria E Il Sito Dell’antica Egida, (Parenzo: G. Coana & Figli, 1933);
Mitja Guštin (Komen: Občina Komen, 2012), 59-67. Alka Starac, “Pitanje istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos
općina Tergeste i Egida”, Histria Archaeologica 24-25 (1993-1994):
2 Attilio Degrassi, Inscriptiones Italiae, Vol. X., Regio X, Fasc. III- 5-57.
Histria septentrionalis (Roma: La libreria dello Stato, 1936).