Page 96 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 96
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 96on, further contributes to the fact that the Ro-spomenikov in napisov članek zbira razpoložljive po-
manization was quick and effective. datke o socialno-pravnem statusu in možnem geograf-
hereditati skem poreklu prebivalstva v stari Egidi (današnjem Ko-
Concerning the socio-legal picture of the pru). Ti spomeniki dokazujejo, da so območje v okolici
population of Aegida, citizens which are made of Egide naseljevali rimski državljani, osvobojenci, sužn-
natural born and freedman are the most nume- ji in priseljenci. Izvor ljudi, navedenih v napisih, kaže na
rous social group, with peregrines and slaves pripadnike avtohtonega prebivalstva, ki so bili do neke
being almost nonexistant on the inscriptions. mere romanizirani, a tudi na prebivalce z vzhoda, za-
However, this can be a misleading and cannot hoda in priseljence iz drugih delov Italije. Med temi so
mean they were not represented in the populati- tudi razni posamezniki, ki so opravljali razne drževne
on, especially if the number of freedman is taken funkcije. Predstavljene so tudi kratka zgodovina Egide
into consideration. in okoliščine odkritja spomenikov. Vsi napisi iz obdob-
ja principata.
The mobility of the social hierarchy is also
witnessed by the magistracies mentioned in the in- Summary
scriptions, which are considered to belong to the
political subjects of Aegida, and not Tergeste. The article gives an onomastical analysis of twenty-four
inscritpions found in or in the vicinity of Koper, all of
While being very hard to pinpoint excatly, a which are already published in the relevant corpora of
short oveview of the geographical provenance of Latin texts. Thorugh the onomastical analysis of ep-
people mentioned in the inscriptions can be di- igraphical monuments and inscriptions, article dis-
scerned. These include indigenous population and cernes available information about socio-legal status
Italics who were probably landowners and im- and the possible geographical origin of the population
migrants. While being relaitvely numerous, fre- in ancient Aegida (todays Koper). These monuments
edman with oriental and Greek names, cannot reveal that freeborn citizens, freedman, slaves and per-
immediately be held to come from the East. Only egrines inhabited the region around Aegida in antiqui-
two indviduals were likely of oriental origin. The ty. Origin of the people mentioned in the inscriptions
last group includes the population which probably include indigenous population romanized to certain
came or were native to the areas in the West (Hi- extent, orientals, westerners and immigrants from other
spania and Gaul). Only one individual is certain- parts of Italy. There are also several individuals who are
ly from Gaul, as it is stated in his monument. His recorded to have preformed certain magistracies. Short
inscription is also the only one mentiotnhing a pro- history of Aegida and the nature of finding of monu-
fession, in this case a legionnaire of 15 legion of ments is also presented. All inscriptions are dated to the
Appolonians. period of the Principate.
Although Aegida seems to have lost its im- Bibliography
portance as it did not appear in the maps, itinera-
ries and historical sources, inscriptions from the Alföldy, Geza. Die Personennamen in Der Römi-
period of Principate reveal that it was an urban schen Provinz Dalmatia. Heidelberg: Win-
community with vibrant social structure who ter, 1969.
quickly adopted the Roman way of life, which
is reflected in their names on the monuments Bodel, John P. Roman Brick Stamps in the Kelsey
they erected, both of which are important signs Museum. Ann Arbor: University of Michi-
of Romanization. gan Press, 1983.
Povzetek Cunja, Radovan. “Koper, Kapucinski vrt.” Ar-
heološki pregled (1986) 1987, 118-120.
Članek ponuja onomastično analizo štiriindvajse-
tih napisov, ki so bili izkopani v Kopru ali v njegovi Degrassi, Attilio. Abitati Preistorici E Romani
bližini. Vsi napisi so že objavljeni v ustreznih korpusih Nell’agro Di Capodistria E Il Sito Dell’antica
latinskih besedil. Z onomastično analizo epigrafskih Egida. Parenzo: G. Coana e Figli, 1933.
manization was quick and effective. datke o socialno-pravnem statusu in možnem geograf-
hereditati skem poreklu prebivalstva v stari Egidi (današnjem Ko-
Concerning the socio-legal picture of the pru). Ti spomeniki dokazujejo, da so območje v okolici
population of Aegida, citizens which are made of Egide naseljevali rimski državljani, osvobojenci, sužn-
natural born and freedman are the most nume- ji in priseljenci. Izvor ljudi, navedenih v napisih, kaže na
rous social group, with peregrines and slaves pripadnike avtohtonega prebivalstva, ki so bili do neke
being almost nonexistant on the inscriptions. mere romanizirani, a tudi na prebivalce z vzhoda, za-
However, this can be a misleading and cannot hoda in priseljence iz drugih delov Italije. Med temi so
mean they were not represented in the populati- tudi razni posamezniki, ki so opravljali razne drževne
on, especially if the number of freedman is taken funkcije. Predstavljene so tudi kratka zgodovina Egide
into consideration. in okoliščine odkritja spomenikov. Vsi napisi iz obdob-
ja principata.
The mobility of the social hierarchy is also
witnessed by the magistracies mentioned in the in- Summary
scriptions, which are considered to belong to the
political subjects of Aegida, and not Tergeste. The article gives an onomastical analysis of twenty-four
inscritpions found in or in the vicinity of Koper, all of
While being very hard to pinpoint excatly, a which are already published in the relevant corpora of
short oveview of the geographical provenance of Latin texts. Thorugh the onomastical analysis of ep-
people mentioned in the inscriptions can be di- igraphical monuments and inscriptions, article dis-
scerned. These include indigenous population and cernes available information about socio-legal status
Italics who were probably landowners and im- and the possible geographical origin of the population
migrants. While being relaitvely numerous, fre- in ancient Aegida (todays Koper). These monuments
edman with oriental and Greek names, cannot reveal that freeborn citizens, freedman, slaves and per-
immediately be held to come from the East. Only egrines inhabited the region around Aegida in antiqui-
two indviduals were likely of oriental origin. The ty. Origin of the people mentioned in the inscriptions
last group includes the population which probably include indigenous population romanized to certain
came or were native to the areas in the West (Hi- extent, orientals, westerners and immigrants from other
spania and Gaul). Only one individual is certain- parts of Italy. There are also several individuals who are
ly from Gaul, as it is stated in his monument. His recorded to have preformed certain magistracies. Short
inscription is also the only one mentiotnhing a pro- history of Aegida and the nature of finding of monu-
fession, in this case a legionnaire of 15 legion of ments is also presented. All inscriptions are dated to the
Appolonians. period of the Principate.
Although Aegida seems to have lost its im- Bibliography
portance as it did not appear in the maps, itinera-
ries and historical sources, inscriptions from the Alföldy, Geza. Die Personennamen in Der Römi-
period of Principate reveal that it was an urban schen Provinz Dalmatia. Heidelberg: Win-
community with vibrant social structure who ter, 1969.
quickly adopted the Roman way of life, which
is reflected in their names on the monuments Bodel, John P. Roman Brick Stamps in the Kelsey
they erected, both of which are important signs Museum. Ann Arbor: University of Michi-
of Romanization. gan Press, 1983.
Povzetek Cunja, Radovan. “Koper, Kapucinski vrt.” Ar-
heološki pregled (1986) 1987, 118-120.
Članek ponuja onomastično analizo štiriindvajse-
tih napisov, ki so bili izkopani v Kopru ali v njegovi Degrassi, Attilio. Abitati Preistorici E Romani
bližini. Vsi napisi so že objavljeni v ustreznih korpusih Nell’agro Di Capodistria E Il Sito Dell’antica
latinskih besedil. Z onomastično analizo epigrafskih Egida. Parenzo: G. Coana e Figli, 1933.