Page 95 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 95
ia universitatisTable 4. Names divided on the basis of their possible geographical origin
onomastical analysis of inscr iptions from koper and its vicint y 95
Indigenous Italic Oriental Western
Quintus Cervius Pup(inia) Forens[is] Lucius Publicius Syntropus Sextius Brinniarius Certus
Magaplines Gaius Calpurnius Frugi Caius Lorentius Tesifon Sextius Pedanius Seneca?
Publius Sardius Prudens Lucida Dignitas? Caius Titius
Raecus Cornelius Lucius Valerius Memor
Baburia Plotia
Maxima, Marcella Tertia Plotianus
Westerners prove problematic and unreliable. It has been
Similar as with the orientals, it is very hard to pointed out that there is no solid proof that any
determine the geographical origin of the people of the monuments were found in the archaeolo-
who bear names mentioned only in the west. gical context or on the island itself. However, a
They might or might not have been from the far very broad outline can be discerned if the fact
western areas of the Empire, since Celtic names that Aegida was a town with the municipial sta-
which they usually have, were very popular in tus at least from the time of Augustus and that
surrounding areas like Northern Italy and No- the monuments are related to its population, and
ricum. not to that of nearby Tergeste.
Lucius Valerius Memor (No. 1), Sextius The types of inscriptions fall into four basic
Brinniarius Certus (No.5) and maybe Sextius categories, sorted by their numbers: funerary, de-
Pedanius Seneca (No. 21) offer a possibility that dicatory, building inscriptions and documents.
the persons mentioned were maybe of Celtic or
western origin. The most important fact that stems from the
onomastical analysis of inscriptions is the number
Only one inscription (No. 18) found in Koper of Roman names and the number of citizens, both
is undoubtly of western and Celtic provenance. It natural-born and freedman. These two categories
is the funerary monument of Caius Titius, a legio- of onomastical and social aspects reveal that the
nnaire from Vienna in Gaul, who explicitlythstates population was already quite romanized already in
this fact in the inscription. He served in 15 legi- the Early Principate. While not new,156 this con-
on of Appolonians and probably after his service, clusion cannot be overlooked in any work concer-
retired in vicinity of Koper like his other comra- ning ancient Aegida.
Roman names are the most numerous and
Conclusion make up the majority of all names inscribed in
the inscriptions. Other categories of names in-
Onomastical analysis of inscriptions found in clude those of Greek or oriental origin, Celtic,
Koper and its vicinity reveal that ancient Aegida indigenous and of unknown origin. It is impor-
was a romanized urban community, situated on tant to point out that indigenous names were of-
the island where today historical center of Koper ten borne by freedman, which is important be-
stands. While relativley numerous compared to cause they inherited them from their masters.
size and apparent importance during the antiqu- Landowners of bussinessman who were citi-
ity, due to renaissance and humanistic habit of zens, but were still named in their native fashi-
collecting and transfering Roman monuments,
the information gained from the analysis can 156 Starac, “Pitanje istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina
Tergeste i Egida”, 28.
onomastical analysis of inscr iptions from koper and its vicint y 95
Indigenous Italic Oriental Western
Quintus Cervius Pup(inia) Forens[is] Lucius Publicius Syntropus Sextius Brinniarius Certus
Magaplines Gaius Calpurnius Frugi Caius Lorentius Tesifon Sextius Pedanius Seneca?
Publius Sardius Prudens Lucida Dignitas? Caius Titius
Raecus Cornelius Lucius Valerius Memor
Baburia Plotia
Maxima, Marcella Tertia Plotianus
Westerners prove problematic and unreliable. It has been
Similar as with the orientals, it is very hard to pointed out that there is no solid proof that any
determine the geographical origin of the people of the monuments were found in the archaeolo-
who bear names mentioned only in the west. gical context or on the island itself. However, a
They might or might not have been from the far very broad outline can be discerned if the fact
western areas of the Empire, since Celtic names that Aegida was a town with the municipial sta-
which they usually have, were very popular in tus at least from the time of Augustus and that
surrounding areas like Northern Italy and No- the monuments are related to its population, and
ricum. not to that of nearby Tergeste.
Lucius Valerius Memor (No. 1), Sextius The types of inscriptions fall into four basic
Brinniarius Certus (No.5) and maybe Sextius categories, sorted by their numbers: funerary, de-
Pedanius Seneca (No. 21) offer a possibility that dicatory, building inscriptions and documents.
the persons mentioned were maybe of Celtic or
western origin. The most important fact that stems from the
onomastical analysis of inscriptions is the number
Only one inscription (No. 18) found in Koper of Roman names and the number of citizens, both
is undoubtly of western and Celtic provenance. It natural-born and freedman. These two categories
is the funerary monument of Caius Titius, a legio- of onomastical and social aspects reveal that the
nnaire from Vienna in Gaul, who explicitlythstates population was already quite romanized already in
this fact in the inscription. He served in 15 legi- the Early Principate. While not new,156 this con-
on of Appolonians and probably after his service, clusion cannot be overlooked in any work concer-
retired in vicinity of Koper like his other comra- ning ancient Aegida.
Roman names are the most numerous and
Conclusion make up the majority of all names inscribed in
the inscriptions. Other categories of names in-
Onomastical analysis of inscriptions found in clude those of Greek or oriental origin, Celtic,
Koper and its vicinity reveal that ancient Aegida indigenous and of unknown origin. It is impor-
was a romanized urban community, situated on tant to point out that indigenous names were of-
the island where today historical center of Koper ten borne by freedman, which is important be-
stands. While relativley numerous compared to cause they inherited them from their masters.
size and apparent importance during the antiqu- Landowners of bussinessman who were citi-
ity, due to renaissance and humanistic habit of zens, but were still named in their native fashi-
collecting and transfering Roman monuments,
the information gained from the analysis can 156 Starac, “Pitanje istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina
Tergeste i Egida”, 28.