Page 92 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 92
le 2. Natural born citizens from Aegida
Name Monument Datation
Pup(inia) Forens[is] 1st century AD
Sextius Brinniarius Certus Inscr. It. X. 3. 6; CIL V 487 1st century BC- early 1st century AD
Publius Aelius Victor Inscr. It. X. 9. 6; CIL V 489 2nd century AD
Publius Aelius Victor Inscr. It. X. 3. 7; CIL V 492 2nd century AD
Lucius Herennius Inscr. It. X. 3. 8; CIL V 493 1st century AD
Lucius Priscus Inscr. It. X. 3. 19; CIL V 499 1st century AD
Lucida Dignitas Inscr. It. X. 3. 19; CIL V 499 3rd century AD
Tullia Privata Inscr. It. X. 3. 23; CIL V 504 3rd century AD
Tullia Septimina Inscr. It. X. 3. 23; CIL V 504 3rd century AD
Caius Titius Inscr. It. X. 3. 23; CIL V 504 early 1st century AD
Sextius Pedanius Seneca Inscr. It. X. 3. 31; CIL V 486 late 1st century BC
Cornelius Inscr. It. X. 3. 34 1st half of 1st century AD
Plautia Tertulla Inscr. Inscr. It. X. 3. 17 first half of 1st century AD
Inscr. It. X. 3.22, CIL V 502
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 92
geographical origin of the population is discussed Natural born citizens
further in the text. This category inculdes people who were born
with citizenship but were not descendants of fre-
Socio-legal status of population on edman. They are made up mostly of Romani-
the basis of inscriptions zed indigenous population who adopted Roman
nomenclature, immigrants from other parts of
Aboundance of information about social and le- Italy, people who were granted citizenship by
gal status of the population of Aegida is availa- municipal right or owners of the freed slaves
ble from the inscriptions analyzed in this work. only mentioned in the formula used to denote
freedman. This socio-legal category of populati-
The population is divided into four socio-le- on is the most numerous on the inscriptions fou-
gal classes: natural born citizens, freedman and nd in Koper and its vicinity.
their descendants, former peregrines and slaves.
It is important to point out that the majority of People born with citizenship are recorded
people mentioned in the inscriptions are citi- with their full name, tria nomina formula (whi-
zens. This is confirmed mostly by the use of tria ch is not always preserved in the inscription due
nomina naming system or by the information to damage) or other indications, such as tribal af-
from the inscription itself, which reveals if the filiation with a Roman cognomen.
person was a former slave and gained the citizen-
ship by the way of manumission. The high num- The other category of inscriptions includes
ber of citizens reflects the legal status of the com- people who are just mentioned as owners of for-
munity and the level of Romanization the area mer slaves or whose name can be guessed on the
achieved in the Principate, in some cases even in basis of the freedmans praenomen and gentili-
its early phases.150 cum: Quintus Appuleius (No. 2), Lucius Publi-
cius (No. 4), Gaius Calpurnius Frugi (No. 10),
150 Starac, “Pitanje istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina Quintus Cervius (No. 11), Gaius Lorentius (No.
Tergeste i Egida”, 29. 14), Maxima, Marcella and Tertia (No. 17), Pu-
blius Sardius (No. 20) and Lucius Protoctetus
Name Monument Datation
Pup(inia) Forens[is] 1st century AD
Sextius Brinniarius Certus Inscr. It. X. 3. 6; CIL V 487 1st century BC- early 1st century AD
Publius Aelius Victor Inscr. It. X. 9. 6; CIL V 489 2nd century AD
Publius Aelius Victor Inscr. It. X. 3. 7; CIL V 492 2nd century AD
Lucius Herennius Inscr. It. X. 3. 8; CIL V 493 1st century AD
Lucius Priscus Inscr. It. X. 3. 19; CIL V 499 1st century AD
Lucida Dignitas Inscr. It. X. 3. 19; CIL V 499 3rd century AD
Tullia Privata Inscr. It. X. 3. 23; CIL V 504 3rd century AD
Tullia Septimina Inscr. It. X. 3. 23; CIL V 504 3rd century AD
Caius Titius Inscr. It. X. 3. 23; CIL V 504 early 1st century AD
Sextius Pedanius Seneca Inscr. It. X. 3. 31; CIL V 486 late 1st century BC
Cornelius Inscr. It. X. 3. 34 1st half of 1st century AD
Plautia Tertulla Inscr. Inscr. It. X. 3. 17 first half of 1st century AD
Inscr. It. X. 3.22, CIL V 502
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 92
geographical origin of the population is discussed Natural born citizens
further in the text. This category inculdes people who were born
with citizenship but were not descendants of fre-
Socio-legal status of population on edman. They are made up mostly of Romani-
the basis of inscriptions zed indigenous population who adopted Roman
nomenclature, immigrants from other parts of
Aboundance of information about social and le- Italy, people who were granted citizenship by
gal status of the population of Aegida is availa- municipal right or owners of the freed slaves
ble from the inscriptions analyzed in this work. only mentioned in the formula used to denote
freedman. This socio-legal category of populati-
The population is divided into four socio-le- on is the most numerous on the inscriptions fou-
gal classes: natural born citizens, freedman and nd in Koper and its vicinity.
their descendants, former peregrines and slaves.
It is important to point out that the majority of People born with citizenship are recorded
people mentioned in the inscriptions are citi- with their full name, tria nomina formula (whi-
zens. This is confirmed mostly by the use of tria ch is not always preserved in the inscription due
nomina naming system or by the information to damage) or other indications, such as tribal af-
from the inscription itself, which reveals if the filiation with a Roman cognomen.
person was a former slave and gained the citizen-
ship by the way of manumission. The high num- The other category of inscriptions includes
ber of citizens reflects the legal status of the com- people who are just mentioned as owners of for-
munity and the level of Romanization the area mer slaves or whose name can be guessed on the
achieved in the Principate, in some cases even in basis of the freedmans praenomen and gentili-
its early phases.150 cum: Quintus Appuleius (No. 2), Lucius Publi-
cius (No. 4), Gaius Calpurnius Frugi (No. 10),
150 Starac, “Pitanje istočne granice Cisalpinske Galije i odnos općina Quintus Cervius (No. 11), Gaius Lorentius (No.
Tergeste i Egida”, 29. 14), Maxima, Marcella and Tertia (No. 17), Pu-
blius Sardius (No. 20) and Lucius Protoctetus