Page 26 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
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dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 2 26quindi ad esso coevo, forse sorto sui resti di qual-on the construction date and purposes, with specific ref-
che avamposto tardoantico. erence to the not too far away and previously researched
hereditati Vichimberch castle. Three hypotheses on the origin
Si auspica che in un prossimo futuro, forse and dating of Punjert are possible. The first dates the site
a causa del grandi lavori necessari per il “Drugi around the year 1000, and it follows that Punjert had al-
Tir” o per il potenziamento del parco regiona- ready been destroyed or abandoned before the 13th cen-
le di Beka, si possa procedere ad una serie di in- tury, when Vichimberch castle was built. It is very like-
dagini invasive che possano, sperabilmente, ren- ly, that Vichimberch was built, at least in part, using the
der più chiara l’origine di tale castello “perduto” materials of Punjert and it is possible that they were used
nell’alta val Rosandra. for the construction of the village of Beka. The second
hypothesis, that Punjert was the temporary “camp” of
Povzetek the Trieste militias, destined for the assault of the cas-
tle of Vichimberch in 1361, appears to be unsustainable,
V članku predstavljamo najnovejše raziskave na obmo- considering the scarce surface of the site, the distance
čju arheološkega najdišča Punjert. Najdišče se nahaja from the target castle, from the presence of a deep ditch
v zgornjem delu doline Glinščice, na njem pa se naha- and of its position. The third hypothesis is that Punjert
jajo skromni ostanki manjše utrdbe iz obdobja srednje- was a propugnaculum or front fortification, contempo-
ga veka. S pomočjo kartografskih, bibliografskih in ne- rary with Vichimberch castle.
invazivnih terenskih raziskav smo izdelali hipotetično
grafično rekonstrukcijo utrdbe in postavili nekaj mo- Bibliografia di riferimento
žnih hipotez o starosti utrdbe in njene vloge v prostoru.
Pri interpretaciji rezultatov smo prvenstveno upoštevali Bernardini, F. 2016. “Nuova luce sugli
bližnji že do dobra preučen grad Vichimberch. antichi accampamenti militari romani”
V zaključku lahko formuliramo tri hipoteze o izvoru in in Il Sapere, 1: 28-33. DOI: 10.12919/
datumu Punjerta. Prva datira lokacijo okoli leta 1000 in sapere.2016.01.4
iz nje izhaja, da je bil Punjert že uničen ali opuščen pred
13. stoletjem, ko je bil zgrajen grad Vichimberch. Verje- Colombo, F. 2000. “Vichimberch 1249-1361. La
tno je Vichimberch, vsaj delno, zgrajen s pomočjo ma- breve vita di un castello vescovile, gestito
terialov iz Punjerta; možno je, da je bil material upora- dai conti di Gorizia, in territorio triestino”
bljen tudi za gradnjo vasi Beka. Druga hipoteza, da je bil in Archeografo Triestino IV (LX): 183-237.
Punjert začasni “tabor” tržaških enot, namenjen napadu
na grad Vichimberch leta 1361, se zdi nevzdržna, glede na Colombo, F. 2002. “Il “Taber” di Draga e la
površino, oddaljenost od ciljnega gradu, prisotnost. glo- genesi delle strutture erette a difesa delle
bokega jarka in njegovega položaja. Takratno jet orož- incursioni turche nei dintorni di Trieste
je bi bilo potem popolnoma nemogoče, da bi udaril alla fine del Quattrocento” in Archeografo
Vichimbercha, ki bi bil postavljen na Punjert. Tretja hi- Triestino IV (LXII): 285-322.
poteza je, da je bil Punjert propugnaculum ali, še bolje,
prednja utrdba, sočasna gradu Vichimberch. De Marchesetti, C. 1903. I castellieri preistorici
di Trieste e della Regione Giulia. Trieste:
Summary Italo Svevo (ristampa 1981).

This research paper presents the archaeological park Flego, S., e I. Žerjal, 1992. “Rimske vojaške
known as Punjert, located in the upper Rosandra Val- opazovalnice v dolini Glinščice” Jadranski
ley, which consists of the remains of a small fortification koledar. 117-124.
or castle dating to the Medieval period. Through car-
tographic, bibliographic, on site (non-invasive) research Flego, S., e M. Zupančič. 1991. Arheološka
and the analysis and processing of data collected from topografija občine Dolina. Trst: Narodna in
the Lidar system and GPR it has been possible to create študijska knjižnica, Odsek za zgodovino.
a graphic rendering of the site and develop hypotheses
Foscan, L., e E. Vecchiet. 2001. I castelli della
Carsia orientale. Trieste: Luglio edizioni.

Mlekuž, D. 2012. “Messy landscapes: lidar
and the practices of landscaping.” in
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