Page 47 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 47
ia universitatis Are worksheets death?
47 Words in museum education

Lenka Mrázová, Masaryk University, Brno

Delovni listi so obravnavani kot materiali, značilni za sodobne muzeje in njihovo odzivnost na izobra-
ževalne potrebe obiskovalcev. To didaktično orodje, ki izhaja predvsem iz besedil, postopoma prehaja
v široko uporabo znotraj muzejskih služb, in kaže na njihovo odzivnost do obiskovalcev in na kompe-
tence muzejskih delavcev, ki se ukvarjajo z njimi. Besedilo je zasnovano kot metodološki pregled osnov-
nih teoretičnih in predvsem praktičnih znanj s področja muzejske pedagogike, ki bi lahko pomagala
pri procesu oblikovanja delovnih listov in njihovega optimalnega didaktičnega vpliva - oblike in pred-
vsem vsebine.
Ključne besede: muzejska pedagogika, delovni listi, interpretacija dediščine muzejska publika, metodo-

Worksheets have been regarded as one of the materials which characterize modern museums and their

responsiveness towards educational needs of visitors. This didactic and mainly on words based tool

gradually becomes a widely used museum service, a material demonstrating both the responsiveness

towards visitors, and the competence of museum workers who are engaged in working with audience.

Text is intended as a methodology capturing basic theoretical and mainly practical knowledge in the

field of museum education, which might help in the process of creation of worksheets and their optimal

didactic impact – the form and mainly the content.

Keywords: museum education, worksheets, heritage interpretation, museum audience, methodology
Worksheets have been regarded as one
of the materials which characterize oration costs for these worksheets which often
modern museums and their respon- must be made quickly and in provisional con-
siveness towards educational needs of visitors. ditions. The material which you are holding in
This didactic tool gradually becomes a wide-
ly used museum service, a material demonstrat- your hands1 does not claim the right to represent
ing both the responsiveness towards visitors, and the only possible set of approaches and topics for
the competence of museum workers who are en- elaboration of worksheets. But it tries to capture
gaged in working with audience. It is not easy to basic theoretical and mainly practical knowl-
elaborate educationally functional worksheets edge in the field of museum education, which
of relevant quality. Usually also another added might help in the process of creation of work-
values are expected, such as entertainment, rep- sheets and their optimal didactic impact – the
resentative character, low production and elab- form and mainly the content. Its aim is to give a

1 This methodological material was published in Czech language
(Mrázová 2012).

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