Page 52 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 52
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 2 52Think about your own pedagogical intentsput it simply, the younger the target group for
The next logical step is a consideration about whom the worksheets are intended, the simpler
hereditatiown pedagogical intents concerning the giventhe extent, graphics and content of the work-
topic and space. Get clear about which part of sheets.
the topic and exhibition you, as a museum peda-
gogue, consider important, from which perspec- Questions to contemplate
tive you want or need (e.g. due to compatibili- For whom the topic of a temporary/permanent
ty with Framework Educational Programmes exhibition is suitable? Whom I want/need to
during elaboration of worksheets for schools) make familiar with the exhibition topic with the
to present the exhibition? Temporary and per- help of worksheets? What are the characteristics
manent exhibitions usually are relatively exten- of this visitor group? What are the risk factors,
sive and rich in exhibits, which can be observed limitations, specifics of this group for the work
in various contexts and from many perspec- with worksheets? How do these specifics influ-
tives. Finding an optimal way of how to guide ence the design of worksheets, their content,
through an exhibition is crucial for creation of graphics, typology, structure of questions, tasks
worksheets, otherwise it can happen that the re- and information, language, etc.?
sulting material is too extensive and exhausting.
The course of your exhibition tour may or may Evaluate the progress of a planned
not be compatible with the opinion of the cura- educational programme
tor who created and installed the exhibition. It Also important is the evaluation of the progress
is entirely legitimate to choose with the help of of a planned educational programme, which in-
worksheets some other logical sequence of how cludes worksheets. It is important to realize, why
to see an exhibition, another way of going it do you want to include worksheets into the pro-
through, or, for example, only a single object to gramme structure, where do you want include
illustrate the topic, providing that the informa- them within the programme structure, where
tion transmitted remains professionally correct. the worksheets can help the content of the pro-
However, you should always be well aware of the gramme and how. Make sure that the work-
reasons for your choice, that is, why do you want sheets and their tasks do not distract attention
and need the worksheets just in this way. from the exhibition programme.

Questions to contemplate Questions to contemplate
How I intend to make the visitors familiar with How does the planned programme look? How
the exhibition? What is to me, as a museum ped- is it structured? What are the main focal points?
agogue, most crucial with regard to audience? In which moments it can be supported by work-
What, in my opinion, should the visitors learn sheets and in which, on the other hand, the
from the exhibition? How I want the visitors, worksheets could distract attention from the
who are working with a worksheet, go through main focus of the programme? With which ex-
the exhibition? Why? hibits the programme is working? Do I want to
draw attention to these main exhibits, or will I
Choose the target group rather use worksheets to complement the infor-
A very important criterion for creation of work- mation on other objects/exhibits? Is my intent to
sheets is of course represented by the exhibi- work continuously with worksheets, or will the
tion visitors themselves. The choice of the tar- visitors work with them only in some concrete
get group of visitors, worksheet users, is a factor moments of the programme?
which directly determines the form of work-
sheets, their content, difficulty or language. To Considerations about the previous proce-
dural steps (evaluation of the exhibition, own
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