Page 50 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 50
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 2 50Another characteristic is evident from thethese criteria (Křístková, Křístek 2005, 1–4) we
way of use of museum worksheets (Jůva 2004, can distinguish:
hereditati137) – the talk is of worksheets used in follow-
ing situations: – informative worksheets – they are character-

– before the museum visit – as a motivation; ised by valuable and often very comprehen-
– during museum activities – these work- sive information on the exhibition topic;
their graphic design is often relatively ex-
sheets are used directly in the course of a pensive so that they have also been regarded
museum tour or within an activating pro- as the representative material of educational
gramme which is part of a temporary or per- museum activities; typologically seen, their
manent exhibition; format rather reminds of an exhibition cat-
– in work after the museum visit – as a source alogue; elaboration of this type of work-
of information or a tool for development of sheets is connected with several risks, name-
further interest at home, or for subsequent ly that their extent is too large and that the
work on the topic at school, or in the muse- overall character of these materials reminds
um after the end of the tour or the activat- of schoolbooks;
ing programme.
– activating worksheets – their textual, in-
The varied form of worksheets can also be
defined by their extent (Jůva 2004, p. 138). You formative and material aspects are less de-
can use, for example: manding than with the previous type of
worksheets; they usually comprise sim-
– separate informative sheets – they only con- ple instructions to various tasks and emp-
ty fields for own records; typologically seen,
tain basic information on a temporary or they rather remind of school workbooks;
permanent exhibition, are often designed as elaboration of this type of worksheets is
a typical brochure fold, which the museum connected with several risks, namely that
visitors obtain for free when buying a ticket; they easily turn into too simple fill-in-the-
blanks, which mostly do not sufficiently
– separate worksheets – usually one page with motivate to work with the exhibition and
rather lead to a fast filling in without any
tasks, activities and impulses to own re- deeper considerations about the exhibition
cords; content;

– informative booklets – text in the form of a – combination of informative and activating

slender brochure providing extended infor- worksheets – maybe the most widely used
mation on a temporary or permanent exhi- form in the museum practice; ideal form of
bition; these worksheets includes balanced inform-
ative and activating components, which
– workbooks – their content is similar to sep- contain both the most important profes-
sional information, and the visitors’ own
arate worksheets; they have the form of ei- reflection on how they perceive the exhibi-
ther a book or individual loose sheets placed tion; elaboration of this type of worksheets
in a folder; is connected with risks of both the previous
types of worksheets as well as with possible
– children catalogues; risk of shallow content but, when well-elab-
– complete set of complementary materials. orated, they interconnect appropriately all
the above-said advantages: they contain
Regarding the numerous variants of forms both the basic and most important infor-
and the logical and thematic content of work-
sheets it is relatively difficult to classify these ma-
terials by their form and content. According to
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