Page 80 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 6(2) (2018)
P. 80
Fortunately, much is written about the solu-studia universitatis her editati, letnik 6 (2018), številk a 2 80References
tions for overcoming these barriers. Intellectual Baddeley, A. 2007. Working memory, thought,
accessibility deserves much more serious consid-hereditati
eration, especially if the heritage sites would like and action. Oxford psychology series Vol. 45.
to increase visitation or attract more diverse au- Oxford: Oxford University Press.
diences, also marginal groups, and especially if Booth, K., J. O‘Connor, A. Franklin and N.
what they have got to share, conveys important Papastergiadis. 2017. “It‘s a Museum,
messages for the whole society. But Not as We Know It: Issues for Local
Residents Accessing the Museum of Old
Povzetek and New Art”. Visitor Studies 20 (1): 10–32.
Broadbent, D. 1958. “Effect of noise on an
Članek polemizira odnos obiskovalcev do informativ- ‘intellectual’ task”. The Journal of the
nih in interpretativnih besedil na tablah in panojih, ki Acoustical Society of America 30 (9): 824–
so po večini manj obiskano sredstvo interpretacije. Raz- 827.
iskave kažejo, da obiskovalci v povprečju preberejo le Caputo, P., L. Brochu, and S. Lewis. 2008.
okoli 10 procentov besedil. Obiskovalci vsakokrat pod- Interpretation by design: graphic design
zavestno tehtajo, kateri tekst se splača brati in ali obeta basics for heritage interpreters. InterpPress,
branje ustrezno nagrado. Razloge za takšen odnos gre Falk, J. H. and L. D. Dierking. 2016. The
iskati v psiholoških in socioloških teorijah. Po eno stra- museum experience revisited. Lopndon and
ni so zmožnosti obiskovalčeve kognicije na muzejskih New York: Routledge.
razstavah ali v naravnem okolju drugačne kot v doma- Fennis, B. M. and W. Stroebe. 2010. The
čem ali delovnem okolju, saj možgani procesirajo veliko psychology of advertising. Hove, New York:
različnih dražljajev, ki se včasih izključujejo. Tako priha- Psychology Press.
ja do kognitivne obremenitve, ki ne podpira koncentri- Ham, S. H. 1992. Environmental interpretation:
ranega branja besedil. Po drugi strani pa potrebe obisko- a practical guide for people with big ideas
valcev na takšnih lokacijah pogosto izključujejo učenje and small budgets. Golden, Colorado:
kot primarno dejavnost. V ospredju so druženje, sprosti- North American Press.
tev in nova doživetja. Fáilte Ireland. 2009. Sharing our Stories: Using
Interpretation to Improve the Visitors’
Summary Experience at Heritage Sites. Dublin: Fáilte
The article investigates the attitude that visitors to the Maslow, A. H. 1943. “A theory of human
heritage sites perform towards interpretive panels and motivation”.Psychological review 50 (4):
labels, namely towards text. According to the research, 370–396.
in average only 10 percent of text is actually read. Ac- Miller, G. A. 1956. “The magical number
cording to Fraction of selection model, visitors attend seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on
to a panel, if the expected reward for reading is higher our capacity for processing information”.
than the effort invested. The reasons for such behaviour Psychological review 63 (2): 81–97.
have been found in psychological and sociological the- Paivio, A. 1990. Mental representations: A
ories. The first suggest that visitor’s cognitive capacities dual coding approach. Oxford: Oxford
in leisure environment differ from the normal and that University Press.
they are often overloaded. On the other hand, people Sandifer, C. 2003. „Technological novelty and
often visit as a part of a group of other people, to which open-endedness: Two characteristics of
goes a great part of attention. Learning per se is namely interactive exhibits that contribute to the
not the main motivation for visiting heritage sites. holding of visitor attention in a science
museum.“ Journal of research in science
teaching 40 (2): 121–137.
tions for overcoming these barriers. Intellectual Baddeley, A. 2007. Working memory, thought,
accessibility deserves much more serious consid-hereditati
eration, especially if the heritage sites would like and action. Oxford psychology series Vol. 45.
to increase visitation or attract more diverse au- Oxford: Oxford University Press.
diences, also marginal groups, and especially if Booth, K., J. O‘Connor, A. Franklin and N.
what they have got to share, conveys important Papastergiadis. 2017. “It‘s a Museum,
messages for the whole society. But Not as We Know It: Issues for Local
Residents Accessing the Museum of Old
Povzetek and New Art”. Visitor Studies 20 (1): 10–32.
Broadbent, D. 1958. “Effect of noise on an
Članek polemizira odnos obiskovalcev do informativ- ‘intellectual’ task”. The Journal of the
nih in interpretativnih besedil na tablah in panojih, ki Acoustical Society of America 30 (9): 824–
so po večini manj obiskano sredstvo interpretacije. Raz- 827.
iskave kažejo, da obiskovalci v povprečju preberejo le Caputo, P., L. Brochu, and S. Lewis. 2008.
okoli 10 procentov besedil. Obiskovalci vsakokrat pod- Interpretation by design: graphic design
zavestno tehtajo, kateri tekst se splača brati in ali obeta basics for heritage interpreters. InterpPress,
branje ustrezno nagrado. Razloge za takšen odnos gre Falk, J. H. and L. D. Dierking. 2016. The
iskati v psiholoških in socioloških teorijah. Po eno stra- museum experience revisited. Lopndon and
ni so zmožnosti obiskovalčeve kognicije na muzejskih New York: Routledge.
razstavah ali v naravnem okolju drugačne kot v doma- Fennis, B. M. and W. Stroebe. 2010. The
čem ali delovnem okolju, saj možgani procesirajo veliko psychology of advertising. Hove, New York:
različnih dražljajev, ki se včasih izključujejo. Tako priha- Psychology Press.
ja do kognitivne obremenitve, ki ne podpira koncentri- Ham, S. H. 1992. Environmental interpretation:
ranega branja besedil. Po drugi strani pa potrebe obisko- a practical guide for people with big ideas
valcev na takšnih lokacijah pogosto izključujejo učenje and small budgets. Golden, Colorado:
kot primarno dejavnost. V ospredju so druženje, sprosti- North American Press.
tev in nova doživetja. Fáilte Ireland. 2009. Sharing our Stories: Using
Interpretation to Improve the Visitors’
Summary Experience at Heritage Sites. Dublin: Fáilte
The article investigates the attitude that visitors to the Maslow, A. H. 1943. “A theory of human
heritage sites perform towards interpretive panels and motivation”.Psychological review 50 (4):
labels, namely towards text. According to the research, 370–396.
in average only 10 percent of text is actually read. Ac- Miller, G. A. 1956. “The magical number
cording to Fraction of selection model, visitors attend seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on
to a panel, if the expected reward for reading is higher our capacity for processing information”.
than the effort invested. The reasons for such behaviour Psychological review 63 (2): 81–97.
have been found in psychological and sociological the- Paivio, A. 1990. Mental representations: A
ories. The first suggest that visitor’s cognitive capacities dual coding approach. Oxford: Oxford
in leisure environment differ from the normal and that University Press.
they are often overloaded. On the other hand, people Sandifer, C. 2003. „Technological novelty and
often visit as a part of a group of other people, to which open-endedness: Two characteristics of
goes a great part of attention. Learning per se is namely interactive exhibits that contribute to the
not the main motivation for visiting heritage sites. holding of visitor attention in a science
museum.“ Journal of research in science
teaching 40 (2): 121–137.