Page 47 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 9(2) (2021)
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ia universitatisand fragments of imported Eastern Mediterranean and Cunja, R. 1996. Poznorimski in
ar heološk a izkopavanja v kopru med leti 2005 in 2019 ... 47 African transport vessels. zgodnjesrednjeveški Koper. Arheološko
We can conclude that the area between the geological izkopavanje na bivšem Kapucinskem vrtu
fault and the top of the island was intensively settled in v letih 1986-1987 v luči drobnih najdb od 5.
late antiquity. Based on the ceramics finds, wooden and do 9. Stoletja. Knjižnica Annales Majora.
stone architecture, and recognition of the different eat- Koper-Capodistria: Zgodovinsko društvo
ing habits, we can conclude that on the island of Koper za južno Primorsko / Società storica del
in Late Antiquity, various social, perhaps even legal sta- Litorale.
tus lived.
With the presentation of the three sites, we opened sev- Cunja, R. 2001. “Poselitvena dinamika
eral new issues related to the settlement and cemetery in spremembe funkcije nekaterih
area of ​the island and the social structure of the popula- mestnih prostorov: Primera nekdanjega
tion from the 5th to the 7th century. kapucinskega vrta in samostanske cerkve
The results of the analysis of animal remains offer ad- sv. Klare v Kopru” Acta Histriae 9 (2): 295-
ditional insight into the Late Antique material culture 310.
of the sites in question, as well as into the eating habits
and structure of the local community in the period be- Cunja, R. 2010. Iz fibule v fabulo: Fibule iz
tween the 4th and 7th centuries. An analysis of eating Istre, s Krasa, iz Notranjske in Posočja med
habits pointed to the privileged menu of church digni- prazgodovino in zgodnjim srednjim vekom.
taries. The houses of snails and / or shells from the loca- Koper-Capodistria: Katalog razstave.
tion Škofijska palača deserve special comment in this re- Pokrajinski muzej Koper.
gard. Although these are probably accidental finds that
were found in the graves as part of the burial, the often Frelih, M. 2002. Koper - Ribiški trg.
documented practice of using such objects as a grave ap- Rekonstrukcija kanalizacije Ribiškega trga.
pendage, at least on a principled level, still allows for a Poročilo. Logatec: ZVKDS OE Piran
different interpretation. (neobjavljeno).

Viri in literatura Guček, M. 2005. “Pomen anonimne
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bird remains / Kratke ugotovitve o ptičjih Razprave in članki 49: 9-48.
ostankih.” V / In Z. Modrijan, T. Milavec.
Poznoantična utrjena naselbina Tonovcov Hayes, J. W. 1972. Late Roman Pottery.
grad pri Kobaridu: Najdbe, Opera Instituti London: The British School in Rome.
Archaeologici Sloveniae 24: 389–94.
Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. Hofman, B. 2005. Poročilo o arheoloških
zaščitnih raziskavah na območju
Bratož, R. 2001. “Koprska Škofija od prve nadomestne gradnje stanovanjskega objekta
omembe (599) do srede 8. stoletja.” V / v Kopru, Vrtna ulica 2, Koper, EŠD 236,
In Prispevki z mednarodne znanstvene parc. št. 615 k.o. Koper. Poročilo. Ljubljana:
konference 1400. letnica koprske Škofije in ZVKDS OE Piran (neobjavljeno).
omembe Slovanov v Istri, Acta Histriae 9
(1): 37-64. Hofman, B. 2006a. Poročilo o arheoloških
zaščitnih raziskavah na lokaciji Ribiški
Car, M., R. Stopar in B. Rijavec. 2005. trg Koper, parc.št. 246 k.o. Koper.
Poročilo o georadarskih preiskavah v Poročilo. Ljubljana: ZVKDS OE Piran
Kopru: lokacija Pristaniški trg, lokacija (neobjavljeno).
Ribiški trg. Ljubljana: ZVKDS OE Piran
(neobjavljeno). Hofman, B. 2006b. “Koper - arheološko
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Hofman, B. 2006c. Poročilo o arheoloških
zaščitnih raziskovanjih ob nadomestni
gradnji stanovanjskega objekta na lokaciji
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