Page 100 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 100
dia universitatis her editati, letnik 10 (2022), številk a 2 / volume 10 (2022), number 2 100IO4 – Creation of online courses for theious users. Supplemented by the created blocks
promotion and interpretation of archaeologi- and plug-ins that make sign language videos and
hereditatical heritage. Developed by university teachers text-to-speech applications easily accessible, it
of different profiles it was intended for the wid- offers a number of additional features that make
er public including persons with disabilities. Ar- it exceptionally transparent and user-friendly.
chaeological heritage presented in the form of
basic concepts and case studies of topics relevant The final activity of the project, IO 4, was
for the understanding of human societies in the the creation of a freely accessible educational
past. platform. This platform was created by members
of the Faculty of Humanities in Moodle pro-
The researchers from the Faculty of Hu- gramme and contains content from the website
manities of the University of Primorska, who that has been transformed into educational ma-
participated in all the activities, invested most of terial. With its accessibility features, it can easi-
their time and experience in the creation of the ly be used to introduce archaeology to children
intellectual outputs 3 and 4 of the activities, or- and the public, as well as to persons with disabil-
ganized a learning and training activity (LTTA ities. The content of the website is presented in a
2), multiplier event (ME 4) and the final event visually enriched and textually reduced version
of the project partners (TM4). They focused on of PowerPoint presentations, which have been
the creation of a website, a platform with infor- translated into all languages of the participating
mation about what archaeology is about, and on- countries and into English. Sign language videos
line courses proposing how archaeology should interpreting key elements of the texts from the
be presented to the wider public, children, and presentations were also added. The medium al-
especially people with special needs, creating an lowed us to enrich the content with additional
interwoven network of the content presenting videos introducing the sites discussed, as well as
archaeological heritage. three-dimensional scans and videos presenting
the digitized artefacts of these sites.
The main product of IO 3 was the creation
of a website that enables learning about the past The April 2022 partners meeting was for the
through archaeology. The website is structured Learning Teaching Training Activity (LTTA 2).
to represent the past through concepts such as It was organized by the teachers and researchers
living, eating, loving, making war, and dying, of the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of
and includes adapted text that is easily under- Education of the University of Primorska in co-
stood by both the public and people with in- operation with other project partners. The ac-
tellectual disabilities. Although archaeological tivity had a wide reach as it was attended by nu-
sites from all partner countries are presented, merous members of the University, students, and
most of the cases featured are from Slovenia and professionals working in various institutions in
Northern Macedonia. Some of the most inter- the region. The organized training activity was
nationally significant but sometimes difficult to primarily aimed at presenting the development
access sites and finds are presented, such as the and implementation of online curricula in the
cave of Divje Babe, the Bronze Age settlements field of cultural and archaeological heritage. In
of Sodolek and Ormož and the cemetery of Za- order to address the complexity of field-specific
vrč, the Iron Age finds from the cemeteries of issues in the presentation of archaeological herit-
Brezje, Vače, Novo Mesto and Srednica, the Ro- age, a broader range of programs was created. It
man Age tombs from Miklavž and Zagonce, and included introductions to relevant topics in edu-
the mediaeval city of Koper and the city walls of cation, tourism, and historic preservation, with
Piran. The visual design of the site and the nec- an emphasis on the potential for adaptations for
essary preparation of the visual material were persons with disabilities.
also adapted to the needs and abilities of the var-
promotion and interpretation of archaeologi- and plug-ins that make sign language videos and
hereditatical heritage. Developed by university teachers text-to-speech applications easily accessible, it
of different profiles it was intended for the wid- offers a number of additional features that make
er public including persons with disabilities. Ar- it exceptionally transparent and user-friendly.
chaeological heritage presented in the form of
basic concepts and case studies of topics relevant The final activity of the project, IO 4, was
for the understanding of human societies in the the creation of a freely accessible educational
past. platform. This platform was created by members
of the Faculty of Humanities in Moodle pro-
The researchers from the Faculty of Hu- gramme and contains content from the website
manities of the University of Primorska, who that has been transformed into educational ma-
participated in all the activities, invested most of terial. With its accessibility features, it can easi-
their time and experience in the creation of the ly be used to introduce archaeology to children
intellectual outputs 3 and 4 of the activities, or- and the public, as well as to persons with disabil-
ganized a learning and training activity (LTTA ities. The content of the website is presented in a
2), multiplier event (ME 4) and the final event visually enriched and textually reduced version
of the project partners (TM4). They focused on of PowerPoint presentations, which have been
the creation of a website, a platform with infor- translated into all languages of the participating
mation about what archaeology is about, and on- countries and into English. Sign language videos
line courses proposing how archaeology should interpreting key elements of the texts from the
be presented to the wider public, children, and presentations were also added. The medium al-
especially people with special needs, creating an lowed us to enrich the content with additional
interwoven network of the content presenting videos introducing the sites discussed, as well as
archaeological heritage. three-dimensional scans and videos presenting
the digitized artefacts of these sites.
The main product of IO 3 was the creation
of a website that enables learning about the past The April 2022 partners meeting was for the
through archaeology. The website is structured Learning Teaching Training Activity (LTTA 2).
to represent the past through concepts such as It was organized by the teachers and researchers
living, eating, loving, making war, and dying, of the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of
and includes adapted text that is easily under- Education of the University of Primorska in co-
stood by both the public and people with in- operation with other project partners. The ac-
tellectual disabilities. Although archaeological tivity had a wide reach as it was attended by nu-
sites from all partner countries are presented, merous members of the University, students, and
most of the cases featured are from Slovenia and professionals working in various institutions in
Northern Macedonia. Some of the most inter- the region. The organized training activity was
nationally significant but sometimes difficult to primarily aimed at presenting the development
access sites and finds are presented, such as the and implementation of online curricula in the
cave of Divje Babe, the Bronze Age settlements field of cultural and archaeological heritage. In
of Sodolek and Ormož and the cemetery of Za- order to address the complexity of field-specific
vrč, the Iron Age finds from the cemeteries of issues in the presentation of archaeological herit-
Brezje, Vače, Novo Mesto and Srednica, the Ro- age, a broader range of programs was created. It
man Age tombs from Miklavž and Zagonce, and included introductions to relevant topics in edu-
the mediaeval city of Koper and the city walls of cation, tourism, and historic preservation, with
Piran. The visual design of the site and the nec- an emphasis on the potential for adaptations for
essary preparation of the visual material were persons with disabilities.
also adapted to the needs and abilities of the var-