Page 95 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 95
ia universitatis An example of good practice in this field is cal remains. Proposed solutions provide inclusion aim-
pr esentation and inter pr etation of public archaeological sites ... 95 the Archaeological and Landscape Park of the ing at accessibility for visitors without and with different
Valley of the Temples in Sicily, where the offer disabilities, as they can be adapted for different target
is adapted for visitors with different disabilities. groups. Ensuring accessibility of the most relevant ar-
For visitors with sensory disabilities informa- chaeological sites is an obligation to society, but mainly
tion is provided through QR codes with videos due to its complexity, this is not always fulfilled in prac-
and sign language and also Braille panels are in- tice. The presentation of archaeological remains is for its
stalled. About 85% of the paths through the park own demanding because of their fragile and fragmen-
are adapted to visitors with physical disabilities tary nature that requires special preservation and pro-
and their levels of difficulty are clearly indicat- tection measures as well as particularly effective inter-
ed. Free shuttle service and free rental service of pretation solutions. They are often located in areas that
electric wheelchairs is also provided. For visitors are physically difficult to access, which represents an
with intellectual disabilities specifically adapted even greater challenge in the process of ensuring acces-
guided tours are offered. The café and restaurant sibility, especially for visitors with different disabilities
of the archaeological park also offer a variety of that require special adjustments in order to fulfil their
gluten-free products for visitors with special di- needs. The second aspect of the article highlights pre-
ets (Parco Valle dei Templi Agrigento 2022). At cisely this issue on how to ensure inclusion and a qual-
the same time, the archaeological park offers ity interpretation of archaeological remains for visitors
contents and utilities of the highest quality also with different disabilities. Presented are different sug-
for visitors without disabilities. gestions for the adaptation of the presentation and in-
terpretation of archaeological sites for visitors with vis-
We hope that our tool will in general help ible disabilities, such as mobility, as well as for visitors
to improve presentation and interpretation at ar- with different invisible disabilities.
chaeological sites, which is frequently defective,
not only for people with disabilities. New efforts Povzetek
aimed to improve this field should be seen as an
opportunity for inclusive thinking and acting. Prispevek izpostavlja dva bistvena vidika, povezana s
koncepti trajnosti in inkluzije, ki bi se morala upošteva-
Summary ti pri procesu ustanavljanja ali nadaljnjega razvoja arhe-
oloških parkov oziroma drugih oblik javno dostopnih
The paper highlights two essential aspects related to arheoloških najdišč. Članek obravnava prezentacijo in
sustainability and inclusion, which should be taken into interpretacijo arheoloških najdišč glede na njihovo en-
consideration in the process of establishing and further titeto, stanje ohranjenosti in potencialne možnosti ra-
development of archaeological parks or other forms zvoja in hkrati tematiko dostopnosti najdišč, vsebin in
of public archaeological sites. The article addresses the storitev s strani vseh obiskovalcev. Prvi vidik predstavlja-
topic of presentation and interpretation of archaeolog- mo s podrobno predstavitvijo novega digitalnega orod-
ical sites depending on their entity, conservation sta- ja Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, ki je bilo razvito v okviru
tus, and development potentials, as well as accessibility projekta ArcheoDanube in je popolna novost na sve-
of the sites, contents and services for all kind of visitors. tovnem trgu. Uporabnika vodi skozi podroben vpra-
We explain the first aspect through a detailed presenta- šalnik o posebnostih arheološkega najdišča in uporab-
tion of the new digital tool Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow nikovih željah. Na koncu vprašalnika orodje na podlagi
that was developed within the ArcheoDanube project podanih odgovorov predlaga najprimernejše rešitve za
and is a complete novelty on the world market. It guides prezentacijo in interpretacijo arheoloških ostalin. Rešit-
the user through a detailed questionnaire about the spe- ve zagotavljajo inkluzijo z vidika dostopnosti za obisko-
cifics of the archaeological site and the user’s preferenc- valce brez in z različnimi oviranostmi, saj jih je mogoče
es. At the end of the questionnaire, the tool (based on prilagoditi različnim ciljnim skupinam. Zagotavljanje
the given answers) suggests the most suitable solutions dostopnosti najpomembnejših arheoloških najdišč je
for presentation and interpretation of the archaeologi-
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