Page 99 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 99
ia universitatisAD HOC – Accessible and Digitalized Heritage of Culture for Persons
99 with Disabilities: a project and its results

AD HOC – Dostopna in digitalizirana kulturna dediščina
za osebe s posebnimi potrebami: projekt in njegovi rezultati

Martina Blečić Kavur
University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, Slovenia
Boris Kavur

University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities, Slovenia

Management and protection of archaeo- ters of activities in which partners, contributing
logical heritage nowadays is unthinka- their specific experience based on their areas of
ble without the active participation of expertise, participated in the creation of a com-
the general public. Gone are the days when ar- mon product.
chaeology was a discipline and technique acces-
sible only to a narrow academic circle and sup- IO1 – Field and desktop research was in-
ported exclusively by national or international tended to define least accessible archaeological
funding agencies. Archaeology and archaeolog- and cultural heritage in participant countries. It
ical heritage should be accessible to different was conducted with the purpose to define which
profiles, including persons with special needs: aspects of the archaeological cultural heritage
People with visual or hearing impairments can be digitalized and made accessible to the
and people with intellectual disabilities. These wider population including persons with disa-
groups have been largely denied access to their bilities. Within this activity, the parameters for
archaeological heritage and deprived of the op- digitalization of certain types of archaeological
portunity to fully experience their past. heritage were set.

The aim of the project AD HOC – Ac- IO2 – Digitalization of archaeological her-
cessible and Digitalized Heritage of Culture for itage will prepare the material for the creation of
Persons with Disabilities was to create a strate- a web site used for the promotion and education
gic partnership in the field of higher education about archaeological heritage. The main goal of
to develop and share innovative practices in the this activity was the optimization of using mod-
field of digitization of cultural heritage and its ern technologies and testing possibilities of ma-
accessibility for persons with disabilities. The nipulation with data in order to present archae-
overall goal was to bring archaeological cultur- ological heritage.
al heritage closer to the public, including diverse
populations, preferably through the creation of a IO3 – Accessibility of the digitalized ar-
website and online courses developed by univer- chaeological heritage through a web site as ad-
sity educators that promote different approach- aptation of the digitalized archaeological and
es to presenting the topic. The project activities cultural heritage content for students with dis-
made archaeological heritage more visible to the abilities focusing on vision and hearing impair-
general public and popularized conservation sci- ments and intellectual disabilities. The main
ence. The main work in the project was organ- goal of the activity was making archaeology and
ized in the form of 4 Intellectual Outputs – clus- cultural heritage more accessible to marginal-
ized groups.
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