Page 13 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 13
ia universitatisApplying the Interpretive Equation to facilitating cultural experiences for
13 audiences with special needs in the digital environment

Uporaba interpretativne enačbe za omogočanje kulturnih izkušenj
za občinstvo s posebnimi potrebami v digitalnem okolju

Dorothea Papathanasiou
Artifactory, Chios, Greece

Aldo Di Russo
Artifactory, Chios, Greece

The ERASMUS+ Higher Education Project AD HOC (92019-1-MK01-KA203-060269) introduced a
new cultural heritage infrastructure for audiences with special needs. The main aim is to make accessi-
ble places of cultural significance by facilitating cognitive-emotional experiences in the digital domain.
A cognitive driven communication pattern has been developed and adapted to the conditions regu-
lating learning in the informal environment. The pattern employs storytelling to decongest working
memory from irrelevant cognitive loads, enabling new cognitive content to relate to prior knowledge.
A mixed methodology has been applied merging the principles of hermeneutics, human cognitive ar-
chitecture, instructional design and digital storytelling to effectively address the needs of audiences
with special needs.
Key words: hermeneutics, human cognitive architecture, audiences with special needs, heritage interpre-
tation, digital storytelling

Visokošolski projekt ERASMUS+ AD HOC (92019-1-MK01-KA203-060269) je uvedel novo infra-
strukturo kulturne dediščine za občinstvo s posebnimi potrebami. Glavni cilj je bil narediti dostopne
kraje kulturnega pomena s spodbujanjem kognitivno-čustvenih izkušenj v digitalni domeni. Razvit je
bil kognitivno usmerjen komunikacijski vzorec prilagojen razmeram, ki urejajo učenje v neformalnem
okolju. Vzorec uporablja pripovedovanje zgodb za razbremenitev delovnega spomina pred nepomemb-
nimi kognitivnimi obremenitvami, kar omogoča, da se nova kognitivna vsebina poveže s predhodnim
znanjem. Uporabljena je bila mešana metodologija, ki združuje načela hermenevtike, človeške kogni-
tivne arhitekture, zasnove poučevanja in digitalnega pripovedovanja zgodb za učinkovito obravnavanje
potreb občinstva s posebnimi potrebami.
Ključne besede: hermenevtika, človekova kognitivna arhitektura, osebe s posebnimi potrebami, interpre-
tacija dediščine, digitalno pripovedovanje zgodb

Introduction influence they exert. Whether they are objects,
myths, stories, values or beliefs, it is society that
In the common perception, objects that have makes them understandable and interpretable.
survived the flow of history are linked to the Culture exists if it is contextualized, meaning
past. However, not everyone is aware of the that the focus of any interpretation should be on

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