Page 90 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 10(2) (2022)
P. 90
• High level of authenticity, if the reassembling is made • The material is usually left exposed to the effects of weath-
correctly; er; this can be overcome by applying additional protective
• Immediate and overall understanding of the building and structures;
its features. • The process of reassembling and replacement can affect
the original substance of the structure;
• Some elements may have been reused in different build-
ings from different periods, so their use in one reassembled
structure prevents their use in others;
• There is always a risk of mistakes in reassembling the
• Sometimes translocation is the only way to save a monu- • High costs and technical difficulties.
ment from destruction.
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 10 (2022), številk a 2 / volume 10 (2022), number 2 90
preciate such true to scale ground plans, as well
hereditati as additional explanation by interpretive media
(Table 6; fig. 9).
Figure 8: Veii (Italy), Portonaccio temple with architec- Figure 9: Künzing (Germany), visualisation of the Ro-
tural elements indicated by stylized additions (photo Liv- man amphitheatre using a simple wooden structure
ioandronico2013, (photo Katharina Zanier).
In situ integration of the missing parts and
In some cases, archaeological remains substitution of the whole can be performed also
themselves cannot be displayed directly, for ex- in an immaterial way, using light projections
ample, because the area has to be used for other and holograms. These solutions are not invasive
non-compatible purposes, or the type of materi- and surely represent appealing attractions due to
als of the original substance are not suitable for their innovative character (Table 6; fig. 10).
display. One option is the substitution of origi-
nal features by using alternative elements which
allows displaying ground plans of archaeologi-
cal remains by using vegetation/shrubs or differ-
ent building materials inserted into the paving.
This kind of display could be appropriate for ar-
chaeological sites where the remains are main-
ly known from non-invasive research, especial-
ly geophysical surveys. In some cases, viewing
platforms can be necessary in order to fully ap-
• High level of authenticity, if the reassembling is made • The material is usually left exposed to the effects of weath-
correctly; er; this can be overcome by applying additional protective
• Immediate and overall understanding of the building and structures;
its features. • The process of reassembling and replacement can affect
the original substance of the structure;
• Some elements may have been reused in different build-
ings from different periods, so their use in one reassembled
structure prevents their use in others;
• There is always a risk of mistakes in reassembling the
• Sometimes translocation is the only way to save a monu- • High costs and technical difficulties.
ment from destruction.
studia universitatis her editati, letnik 10 (2022), številk a 2 / volume 10 (2022), number 2 90
preciate such true to scale ground plans, as well
hereditati as additional explanation by interpretive media
(Table 6; fig. 9).
Figure 8: Veii (Italy), Portonaccio temple with architec- Figure 9: Künzing (Germany), visualisation of the Ro-
tural elements indicated by stylized additions (photo Liv- man amphitheatre using a simple wooden structure
ioandronico2013, (photo Katharina Zanier).
In situ integration of the missing parts and
In some cases, archaeological remains substitution of the whole can be performed also
themselves cannot be displayed directly, for ex- in an immaterial way, using light projections
ample, because the area has to be used for other and holograms. These solutions are not invasive
non-compatible purposes, or the type of materi- and surely represent appealing attractions due to
als of the original substance are not suitable for their innovative character (Table 6; fig. 10).
display. One option is the substitution of origi-
nal features by using alternative elements which
allows displaying ground plans of archaeologi-
cal remains by using vegetation/shrubs or differ-
ent building materials inserted into the paving.
This kind of display could be appropriate for ar-
chaeological sites where the remains are main-
ly known from non-invasive research, especial-
ly geophysical surveys. In some cases, viewing
platforms can be necessary in order to fully ap-