Page 120 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 120


               Figure 3: Photomontage of the panorama of the southern edge of the old town of Koper/Capodistria with the planned
        studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 11 (2023), številka 2 / volume 11 (2023), number 2
               monumental school dedicated to Anna Depangher Sauro, 1939–1940 (source: Personal Archive of  Mario Fonda)
               Belveder fit into the political,  ideological  and   The new school was designed in 1938, at
               social  dynamics?  The  story  of  this  first  post-  the height of fascism, with an exceptional rep-
               war school in the centre of Koper has a lengthy   resentational significance. It served as the dom-  ta
               prelude connected with a modern, unfinished   inant feature of the monumental scenery on the
               school building from the fascist era, and a fol-  promenade leading to the equally monumen-
               low-up that mirrors the town’s demographic and   tal memorial to Nazario Sauro from 1935. In or-
               urban development after Zone B was annexed to   der for construction to begin, much of the anon-  di
               Yugoslavia.                                 ymous fabric of the town’s Brazzol district was
                                                           demolished (Cherini 1990, 265–266), follow-
               The Fascist Primary School                  ing the example of Mussolini paving the way
               Scuola Anna Depangher Sauro                 for fascist modernity in Rome. The plan for the
               In the interwar period, the fascist authorities   new school complex consisted of a central dom-
               built several rural schools in the Istrian country-  inant part and two wings (one for girls and one
               side. These were typical one-room schoolhous-  for boys). Due to disputes over symbolic aesthet-  here
               es aimed at providing the most basic education   ics,  in  which  the  Minister  of  National  Educa-
               for the peasant population.  The  aesthetics of   tion Giuseppe Bottai intervened,  and the out-
               these buildings followed the official style of the   break of war, construction came to a standstill
               time, the so-called Stile Littorio. By reinterpret-  and the building, with its extraordinary symbol-
               ing elements from Roman antiquity, it served as   ic charge, remained unfinished.
               a tool for legitimising the alleged continuity of   After the end of World War II, especially af-
               the Roman – and consequently presumably Ital-  ter the Free Territory of Trieste was established,
               ian  – civilisational and territorial domination.   the school building became relevant again. The
               A monumental but unfinished primary school   new authorities – the Military Administration
               complex was built in the same spirit and style –   of the Yugoslav Army  – intended to complete
                                                           the school, but again the plan was not realised
               but much more ambitiously – on the waterfront
               of Koper/Capodistria (today Pristaniška uli-  as they decided to build a new school at a new lo-                     studiauniversitatis
                                                           cation – on the site of the demolished prison at
               ca) in 1940. It was dedicated to Anna Depangh-
               er Sauro, the mother of the local irredentist hero   13   SABAP FVG, fondo Istra Quarnero Dalmazia, b. 4, fasc.
                                                               172, Nuova Scuola Capodistria, prot. n. 141, 20 February
               Nazario Sauro.                                  1940.
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