Page 147 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 147

Mortara, G. 1925. La salute pubblica in Italia   iredentističnem in fašističnem diskurzu.’
                   durante e dopo la guerra. Bari: Laterza.    Acta Histriae 24 (4): 705–720. 
               Mosse, G. 1975. The Nationalization of      Žitko, S. 2016. ‘Italijanski nacionalizem in
                   the Masses: Political Symbolism and         iredentizem: valilnica za kasnejši nastanek
                   Mass Movements in Germany from the          obmejnega fašizma.’ Acta Histriae 24 (4):
                   Napoleonic Wars through the Third Reich.    689–704.
                   New York: Fertig. 
               Neri, M. L. 2006. Enrico Del Debbio.        Summary
                   Viareggio: Idea.                        In the last century, the writing of the history of ‘con-
               Nicoloso, P. 2008. Mussolini architetto:    tact spaces“ was strongly ideologically and politically
                   propaganda e paesaggio urbano nell’Italia   colored and to a greater extent the domain of national
                   fascista. Turin: Einaudi.               identities. The dominant ideological or social elite of-
               Nora, P. 1989. ‘Between Memory and History:   ten used public space with the aim of forming individ-  147
                   Les Lieux des Mémoire.’ Memory and
                                                           ual and collective identity. The manifestation of polit-
 ti            Pelikan, E. 2012. ‘Zgodovinopisje ob slovensko-  ical power took place through symbolism, which was
                   Counter-Memory (26): 7–24. 
                                                           present both in public commemorations and in newly
                   italijanski meji.’ Acta Histriae 20 (4): 281–  built buildings. In Koper, the Italian authorities, for ex-
 ta            Ponis, R. 2016. Nazario Sauro: il Garibaldi   ing space and as a convenient ideological apparatus. The
                                                           ample, used architecture in two ways: as a tool for mark-
                   dell’Istria. Trieste: Alpe Adria. 
                                                           article deals with the erection of the monument to the
               Quarantotti Gambini, P. A. 1940. ‘Pio Riego
                                                           Istrian sailor Nazario Sauro. A myth was formed about
 di                Gambini e la fondazione del fascio      the latter in the period between the two wars, through
                   Giovanile Istriano (1911).’ Porta Orientale
                                                           metaphors in public space (naming of schools, streets,
                   (6–7): 158–169.
                                                           editions of publications, etc.), which reached its peak
               Quarantotti Gambini, P. A., ed. 1954. Quattro
                   lettere. Trieste: La Editoriale Libraria.  with the erection of a monument in 1935 in Koper. The
                                                           construction of the monument clearly indicates the
 here          Sauro, R. 2017. Nazario Sauro: storia di un   presents the buildings that were built as a direct result of  the historical background to the erection of the monument to nazario sauro in koper ...
               Salimbeni, F. 2001. ‘Il Faro della vittoria
                                                           imposition of memory politics by various actors, both
                   a Trieste tra architettura e ideologia.’
                                                           at the national and local levels. The professional article
                   Quaderni giuliani di storia 22 (1): 139–143. 
                                                           the ‘Great War’ in the Austrian Littoral. The article also
                   marinaio. Venice: La musa Talia. 
                                                           deals with the extensive organizational and financial ef-
               Schama, S. 1996. Landscape and Memory.
                                                           forts that were necessary to erect a monumental memo-
                   London: Fontana. 
               Seton-Watson, C. 1967. Storia d’Italia dal 1870
                                                           ideological pretensions of the central fascist authorities,
                   do 1925. Rome: Laterza.                 rial to the aforementioned sailor in all its grandeur. The
                                                           which together with local actors enabled the financing
               Steffè, B. 1978. Od fašističnega škvadrizma   and construction of the monument, are given historical
                   do pokolov v Rižarni (s poročilom o     consideration. In the period between the two wars, the
                   procesu): Trst - Istra - Furlanija 1919-1945.   erection of the monument to Nazario Saura probably
                   2nd ed. Trieste: Aned.                  marked the beginning of Koper‘s urban transformation.
               Verginella, M. 2012. ‘Asimetrije, nesporazumi   Due to the outbreak of World War II, this transforma-
                   in zrcalni pogledi: od narodno          tion never experienced an epilogue.
                   osredotočene do pluralne in navzkrižne
                   zgodovine severnojadranskega prostora.’   Povzetek
                   Acta Histriae 20 (4): 312–334.          V prejšnjem stoletju je bilo pisanje zgodovine »stičnih
               Verginella, M. 2016. ‘Dokončni boj med      prostorov« močno ideološko in politično obarvano ter
                   “severnojadranskimi rasami” v           v večji meri domena nacionalnih identitet. Prevladujo-
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