Page 144 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 144

               and the aforementioned Monument Conser-     day’s Ukmarjev trg).  At the beginning of April
               vation  Department  also  organised  the  restora-  1935, the architect Forlati also inspected the so-
               tion of the Carpaccio House. Some sacral build-  called ‘Venetian House’, then owned by Arturo
               ings were also renovated – in the Romanesque   Steffè. The conservation department spent 2,500
               rotunda of St. John the Baptist, now the Chap-  lire restoring the windows on the house. Steffè
               el of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the munici-  received a letter from the government indicat-
               pality financed the demolition of the old sac-  ing that the typical 14th-century Venetian-style
               risty and the erection of a new altar. The chapel   building was the subject of a sale between him
               known as the Santissima del Duomo was also re-  and the son of Nazario Sauro for a price of 4,000
               stored. The idea of asphalting the nearby main   lire. Ultimately, the sale did not go through be-
               square (today’s Tito Square) was quickly aban-  cause the future owner wanted to use the ground
                                                           floor for a mechanic’s workshop. The building
        144    doned  so  as  not  to  destroy  the  ‘typical  Italian   was unsuitable and most of it would have had
               square’, as the architect Ferdinando Forlati, head
               of the Royal Monument Conservation Depart-  to be demolished. This did not make sense due
        studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 11 (2023), številka 2 / volume 11 (2023), number 2
                                                           to its historical value and the cost of demolition.
               ment in Trieste, described it at the time. Some   Forlati also ruled out the possibility of the build-  ti
               minor works were also carried out in the Log-  ing being bought by the Monument Conser-
               gia Café (removal of the glazing on the Gothic   vation  Department  from  Trieste.  However,  he
               vaults and restoration of the ceiling in the interi-  wanted to emphasise the ‘Venetianness’ of Kop-  ta
               or). In addition, the façades of important build-  er in a different way. At the end of April 1935, he
               ings that were most visible at the inauguration   proposed that the statue of the Venetian winged
               of the Nazario Sauro monument were repaint-  lion be moved from the Libertas Rowing Club
               ed. Forlati also issued clear instructions that the   to the façade of the salt warehouse because he
               Isola Codex of Dante’s Divine Comedy should   thought it did not serve the right ‘purpose’ on   di
               be presented in the Museum of History and Art   the sports club building. He justified his pro-
               ahead of the ceremony and had the ‘less relevant   posal on the grounds that the statue had recent-
               literary works’ removed from the shelves .   ly been placed on the external wall of the Kop-
                   However, things began to get complicated   er sports club and that relocating it again would
               two months before the ceremony. Forlati wrote   not cause any major inconvenience. Nino Derin,
               a letter directly asking the Prefecture of Koper   the new podestà of Koper, was of the same mind   here
               whether they preferred to discuss things rath-  and wanted to emphasise Koper’s ‘Venetian as-
               er than working. The available documentation   pect’ with a Venetian flag measuring 2 x 3.5 m,
               shows that the municipality’s ownership of the   which the municipality of Koper had ordered
               salt warehouse, and consequently the planned   from the Venetian section of the National Veter-
                                                           ans’ Association of Military Volunteers 1915-1918
               construction works, would not be resolved by   (Azzurri di Dalmazia) .
               the date of the monument’s inauguration. Nei-   From a broader perspective, the ‘urban re-
               ther was there any progress in the renovation of   newal’ of Italian cities at the time coincided
               Carpaccio House and the Loggia. The surviv-
               ing sources also show that despite delays in the   17   Forlati referred to Planning Law No 778 of June 1922 and
                                                               demanded that the ‘unsuitable buildings’ be removed be-
               main construction works, minor ‘aesthetic’ im-  fore the monument’s inauguration. In his view, this would
               provements in the town continued to be made,    restore the square’s ancient beauty and make the whole
                                                               area ‘worthy’ of a monument to a fallen hero of Koper. For-
               such as the removal of the modest wooden build-  lati should be credited with evaluating and protecting the          studiauniversitatis
               ings in the square named after Vittor Pisani (to-  town’s  anonymous  architecture  (Čebron  Lipovec  2020,
               16   PAK, 7, 510 Spomenik Nazario Sauro, Fond Mestne   18   PAK, 7, 510 Spomenik Nazario Sauro, Fond Mestne
                   občine Koper.                               občine Koper.
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