Page 142 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 142

possible in their work, as the foundation stone   material (soil) that would have to be brought in
               had been laid way back in 1926. The cabinet of   to build suitable foundations. The quality of the
               the Minister of the Interior gave the final green   soil from the Dreher brewery that was to be used
               light for the start of construction work on the   for the foundations was not assessed. In addition,
               site of the monument on 4 September 1934,   the municipal engineer in Koper stressed the ne-
               when the work actually began.               cessity of landscaping the wider area around the
                   We can find out more about the phase of   monument that had often been used as a waste
               viewings and preparations for construction from   dump. In his view, there was a risk the landscap-
               the report by the municipal engineer from Kop-  ing might not be carried out later, or it might
               er, dated 13 January 1933. It was written at the re-  cost more. On 28 January 1935, Bianchetti, Head
               quest of the Prefect of Koper, Nino de Petris, and   of the Cabinet of the Council of Ministers, in-
               could be used to present the progress of the pre-  formed the Ministry of Public Works that the
        142    paratory work at the meeting of the special com-  estimate given by the engineers from Pola for the
               mittee. This document shows that the architect   purchase and development of the land to be used
               Del Debbio and the sculptor Selva had already   for the monument amounted to 105,000 lire. Bi-  ti
        studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 11 (2023), številka 2 / volume 11 (2023), number 2
               visited the site in Koper in the autumn of 1930   anchetti added in his letter that the Prefecture
               and determined the most suitable location for   of Koper estimated another 250,000 lire would
               the monument and the orientation of its compo-  be needed to pave the entire surface around the
               nents. They also noted that the ‘backdrop’ to the   monument – in addition to the already antici-  ta
               monument would also need to be developed. It   pated costs. The municipality of Koper was not
               would consist of a nearby park and a platform on   able to cover this cost, so it turned to state aid,
               which the sculpture would stand. To this end, it   which approved all the planned financial inputs.
               was decided to take some building material from   A letter from January 1935 shows a rough esti-
               the seabed of a nearby shipyard and an islet cre-  mate of the additional costs amounting to about   di
               ated by the excavation of material for the Dreher   355,000  lire  (105,000  lire  estimated  by  the  en-
               brewery. The two competition winners then be-  gineers from Pola and 250,000 lire by the Pre-
               gan visiting Istrian quarries and examining rock   fecture of Koper). Bianchetti also informed the
               samples in order to determine the most suita-  Ministry of Public Works that the engineers
               ble material for the monument’s construction.   from Pola had been given permission to begin
               On the basis of the results (inspection, measure-  urgent construction work in the area surround-
               ments and the rocks themselves) and some sug-  ing the monument. The podesta, or mayor, of Ca-  here
               gestions  from  the  committee,  they  refined  the   podistria tried to take advantage of the monu-
               original plan. At the same time, a unit of the   ment’s construction  – for which the state had
               Royal Engineers from Pula (Corpo reale Civile   allocated a considerable sum of money – to car-
               di Pola) was given the task of examining samples   ry out additional infrastructure works in the
               from the plot on which the monument was to   town itself, requesting an additional 185,000 lire
               be built in order to draw up a plan for the foun-  for this purpose. These would be earmarked for
               dations. In the course of drilling, it was realised   the redevelopment of St. Mark’s salt warehouse
               that the new foundations would partly rest on   (the present-day Taverna), but his tactical inten-
               the remains of the former salt warehouse, so Sel-  tion did not succeed. In a letter from 23 February
               va and Del Debbio proposed to shift the monu-  1935, we can see that the Prefect of Pola informed
               ment’s location so the entire composition would   the podestà of Koper that the Ministry of the In-
               rest on more solid ground. In addition to draw-  terior had not approved an additional 185,000                       studiauniversitatis
               ing up a plan for the foundations, the Royal En-  lire for the landscaping of the monument’s sur-
               gineers from Pola were also required to provide   roundings. The letter also made it clear that,
               the ministry with an estimate for the amount of   given the financial situation, such renovations
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