Page 63 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 63

Table of the interviews quoted in the text

                   Interview number     Date of birth        Date of interview       Metting place
                1                   1959              06/08/2010                Sagiada
                2                   1940              11/07/2010                Smerto
                3                   1952              14/07/2010                Ragio
                4                   1924              5/08/2010                 Kestini
                5                   1935              06/08/2010                Sagiada
                6                   1924              14/07/2010                Sagiada
                7                   1928              06/08/2010                Sagiada
                8                   1930              12/07/2011                Sagiada
                9                   1923              13/07/2011                Sagiada                    63
 ti             10                  1916              14/07/2011                Sagiada
                12                  1943              08/08/2010                Filiatès
 ta             13                  1937              07/08/2010                Filiatès
 di            Summary                                     Nowadays, the interpretation given locally to these ma- tales from the greek-albanian borderland ...
                                                           jor social and ethnic transformations always refers to the
               The border between Greece and Albania has a cheq-
                                                           resolution of a violent conflict that had plagued the re-
               uered history. Its establishment in 1913 ceded to Alba-
               nia a territory conquered by Greece during the Balkan   gion’s society since the inter-war period. In the villages
                                                           affected, the memory of these atrocities is vivid, and the
 here          of Prizren in 1878. This is the case of a small region of   ly and in great detail, often revealing the circumstances
               wars and left outside Albania a large part of the territo-
                                                           various generations are still able to recount them easi-
               ries claimed by Albanian nationalists since the League
                                                           of the murders as well as the identity of the murderers.
               Greece, that is presented in this text, called Thespro-
                                                           These stories of violence are echoed today by the pres-
               tia in Greek and Chameria in Albanian, where the his-
                                                           ence in the Greek side of the border of singular monu-
               torical turmoil has not been without effect on its pop-
                                                           ments, which highlight the way in which this history has
               ulation, massively affected by the powerful polarization
                                                           left its mark on the construction and symbolic appropri-
               movements resulting from the application of national
               discourses on the field. Throughout this period and un-
                                                           ories. By recalling the atrocities of a group closely as-
               til now, the heterogenous groups that formed the bor-  ation of the territory, and how this in turn feeds mem-
                                                           sociated with neighboring Albania, these monuments
               der society had to position themselves according to po-  designate the Albanians as enemies of the Orthodox
               litical turbulences, sometimes despite other long-term   Greeks, and bear witness to the long-standing hostil-
               realities, and their discourses of belonging were gradu-  ity between the two countries, feeding present-day re-
               ally reshaped by these changes. These transformations   sentments with the violence of the past. On the other
               have had important consequences for the presence of   side of the border, around the small Albanian town of
               several communities whose fate has been turned on   Konispol, stands a number of monuments commem-
               end by the new realities of this contested border, like the   orating the victims of the “Cham genocide”, officially
               Chams, a large Albanian-speaking community, which   recognized by the Albanian state since 1994. These var-
               disappeared from the Western section of the Greek-Al-  ious monuments on the other side of the border also act
               banian border in circumstances that are still debated.   as landmarks, activating the representation of a space
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