Page 73 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 73

the  bilateral  relations  with  the  East,  especially   brance and commemoration of flight and expul-
               with Poland and the Czech Republic (Dakows-  sion in the 20th century in the historical context
               ka 2007). What was at stake as well in the do-  of the Second World War and of the National
               mestic debates and in the disputes with the east-  Socialist expansion and extermination policies
               ern neighbours was how to weight and to put in   and their consequences.”
               relation the commemoration of the victims of    These fights over the politics of history im-
               the German National Socialist terror regime to   pacted the conception  and the legal purpose of
               the German victims of the Second World War   the Foundation  drafted by the federal govern-
               (Salzborn 2003, 1124). The question was whether   ment in 2008. It laid down a decidedly complex
               the recognition and the place given to the Ger-  and contradictory task, that is formulated unu-
               man sufferings linked to the expulsions in Ger-  sually precisely and directly.  On the one hand,
               man  official  commemorations  would  lead  to  a   the remembrance policy dimension is very clear.
               “completion or [to] a revision of history” (Ass-  It is a matter of setting a “visible sign” in Ber-  73
               mann 2007, 11; see also Hahn and Hahn (2008,
 ti            39–40)).                                    lin, in a time marked by the disappearance of
                                                           the generation of witnesses; in other words, of
                   Hoping to put an end to the polemics (Per-
               ron 2015) and silence the more or less openly re-  transforming a communicational memory into
                                                           a cultural memory – to use Jan and Aleida Ass-
 ta            the German government (the grand coalition   mann’s terms – in order to meet the political de-  a visible sign with a “quiet gesture”?
               visionist stances  of the Federation of Expellees,
                                                           mands of the associations of expellees to com-
               CDU/CSU-SPD), under the auspices of the
                                                           memorate the sufferings endured in the newly
               CDU/CSU, took over the project in 2008,  in-
 di            itiating the creation by the Bundestag of a de-  reclaimed capital and more so, in the core of the
                                                           commemoration landscape of unified Germa-
               pendent Foundation placed under the control
                                                           ny. On the other hand, however, the Bundestag
               of the Foundation Deutsches Historisches Muse-
                                                               See purpose of the Foundation in Section 2, paragraph
               um.  The purpose of this new institution, which
                                                               16 of the “Law on the establishment of a Foundation
               was a hundred percent a creation of the German
                                                               ‘Deutsches Historisches Museum’” (Beauftragter der Bun-
 here          federation and as such also funded to a hundred   23   See Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertreibung, Ver-
                                                               desregierung für Kultur und Medien, 2008)
               percent by the federation,  was “ – in the spir-
                                                               söhnung (n.d.e).
               it of reconciliation – to keep alive the remem-
                                                               Act on the Establishment of a Foundation “German His-
                                                               torical Museum” of 21 December 2008, Section 2 Inde-
                   As shown by the resentful comments in the Visitor’s Book
                                                               pendent Foundation “Foundation Flight Expulsion Rec-
                   of the exhibition Erzwungene Wege, that was opened in
                                                               onciliation”, § 16 Purpose of the Foundation “The purpose
                   August 2006 in the Berlin Kronprinzenpalais, organised
                                                               of the dependent foundation is – in the spirit of reconcilia-
                   by Steinbach’s Stiftung Zentrum gegen Vertreibungen
                   (Assmann 2007, 11).
                                                               of flight and expulsion in the 20th century in the historical
                   The intent to create a “visible sign” in Berlin was laid down
                                                               context of the Second World War and of the National So-
                   in the Coalition contract in 2005.          tion – to keep alive the remembrance and commemoration
                                                               cialist expansion and extermination policies and their con-
               20   On December 21, the Bundestag adopted a law establish-  sequences” (Bundesamt für Justiz n.d.b).
                   ing a Deutsches Historisches Museum Foundation, in   25   The  Foundation  Flight,  Expulsion,  Reconciliation  is  to
                   which the creation of a dependent Stiftung Flucht Vertrei-  my knowledge the sole German Museum to which poli-
                   bung Versöhnung, was mentioned in Paragraph 2. The sup-  tics tells how to tell history as precisely. This scope of in-
                   porting organisation of the Documentation Centre is the   tervention from politics in the realm of historiography is
                   Foundation for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation,   the more astonishing for those who remember the con-
                   which was established by the German Bundestag in De-  troversies that accompanied Chancellor Kohl’s initi-
                   cember 2008 as a non-party, dependent foundation under   ative to build a House of the History of the FRG (Haus
                   public law. It is funded by the State Minister for Culture   der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik) in Bonn in the middle
                   and the Media (Dokumentationszentrum Flucht, Vertrei-  of the 1980s). At the time, the sole fact that it was a gov-
                   bung, Versöhnung n.d.a).                    ernmental initiative to build such historical museums was
               21   As such it was taken out of the direct control of the Feder-  contested (François 1992; Werner, 2016). In the case of the
                   ation of expellees. Very few cultural institutions are man-  Documentation Centre for Displacement, Expulsion, and
                   dated and controlled by the Federation since culture lies in   Reconciliation, the political interference goes much fur-
                   the exclusive domain of responsibility of the Länder.   ther and determines the frame of the historical narration.
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