Page 98 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol 11(2) (2023)
P. 98

The Governments of the United Kingdom   Treaty enters into force, the Memorandum of
                   and the United States will withdraw their   Understanding signed in London on 5 October
                   military forces from the area north of the   1954 and its annexes shall cease to have effect in
                   new boundary and will relinquish the ad-  relations between the Republic of Italy and the
                   ministration of that area to the Italian Gov-  Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia’ (Trea-
                   ernment. The Italian and Yugoslav Gov-  ty on the Delimitation of the Frontier 1987;
                   ernments will forthwith extend their civil   Drašček 2005).
                   administration over the area for which they   One of my interlocutors who was involved
                   will have responsibility.               in the negotiations for the Treaty of Osimo re-
                                                           called: ‘Slovenia had the main word in these ne-
                                                           gotiations… it was the most interested party, es-
                   The Treaty also included boundary adjust-
               ments. This meant the villages of Plavje/Pla-  pecially due to the question of the minority…the
        98     vie, Spodnje Škofije/Albaro Vescovà, Elerji/  relations with Italy were friendly, but when there
               Elleri and Hrvatini/Crevatini were transferred   was a strain in relations…the minority was the
                                                           most affected… this is why our aim was to have
        studia universitatis hereditati, letnik 11 (2023), številka 2 / volume 11 (2023), number 2
               to the administration of the Yugoslav Govern-                                             ti
               ment and annexed to Yugoslavia. After the sign-  good relations’ (Interlocutor 15).
               ing of the Memorandum, the two governments      The signing of the Treaty of Osimo brought
               were obliged to ‘appoint a Boundary Commis-  the long frontier negotiaitons to an end and a po-
               sion to effect a more precise demarcation of the   litical agreement was finally reached. All the in-  ta
               boundary in accordance with the map at Annex   ternational treaties enabled the development of
               I’ (Memorandum of Understanding 1956; Troha   better relations and cooperation between the
               1999).                                      two states. How these arrangements affected the
                                                           everyday reality of the border population will be
                   However, the border issue was not com-                                                di
               pletely resolved. Yugoslavia recognized the   addressed in the following paragraphs.
               Memorandum and the border as definitive by   Life ‘al konfin’ [On the Border]
               ratifying it, while Italy considered it to be a de-
               marcation line – an inconclusive, temporary bor-  In  the  present  paper,  the  principal  interest  is
               der. Ital0y never submitted the Memorandum   in the inhabitants of Northern Istria living on
               to Parliament for ratification to highlight the   the eastern side of the new border. Life after the
               Memorandum’s temporarity (Škorjanec 2006,   war was still challenging for people living on   here
               44). As Škorjanec explained in her research into   the border/demarcation line. As an interlocutor
               the process of Italo-Yugoslav border negotia-  remembers:
               tions, the debates and proposals lasted for twen-  After 1954 it changed a little bit and then
               ty years. There were (secret) discussions among   the conflict between individuals started.
               commissions and ministries during this period.   When the milestones were set, some peo-
               The main actors in the process were the foreign   ple were irritated, rightly so. Because it hap-
               ministers and the so-called ‘group of 4’. After ne-  pened that the little land they had was now
               gotiations between special political agents and   on  two  sides...  in  Zone  B  and  in  Yugosla-
               a meeting at Strmol Castle (Slovenia), followed   via... and of course it was not pleasant be-
               by meetings in Dubrovnik (Croatia) and Strun-   cause they needed border passes so they
               jan (Slovenia), and after the formal initialling in   could work on their fields [the interlocutor
               Belgrade, the diplomatic solution was reached in   is referring to the border line between Yugo-
               Osimo (Škorjanec 2006). With the final signing   slavia and zone B of the FTT, note PK]. So,                         studiauniversitatis
               of the Osimo treaties on 10 November 1975, the   on the other side... they started to move the
               border between the two states was finalized. Ar-  stakes as they wished. There was a lot of trou-
               ticle 7 determined that: ‘On the date when this   ble because they were accusing each oth-
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