Page 180 - Stati inu obstati, revija za vprašanja protestantizma, letnik XVII (2021), številka 33, ISSN 2590-9754
P. 180
1–14; Ian Gregory, »Challenges and Opportunities for Digital History,« Frontiers
in Digital Humanity 1 (2014),; Christoph
Flüeler, »Digital Manuscripts as Critical  Edition,« Penn Libraries blog, https://; Pe-
ter Boot et al., ur., Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing: Papers Presented at the
DiXiT Conferences in The Hague, Cologne, and Antwerp (Leiden: Sidestone Press,
29 Na primer: Digital Library of Classic Protestant Texts (and Its Early Modern
Catholic Counterpart); Early English Books Online; Bavarian State Library, Her-
zog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel; Gallica; e-rara; Hathi Trust; Internet Ar-
chive; Google Books.
30 Na primer: Leland Harder, ur., The Sources of Swiss Anabaptism: The Grebel Let-
ters and Related Documents (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1985); Cornelius J. Dyck,
ur., Spiritual Life in Anabaptism (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press, 1995); C. Arnold
Snyder, ur., Biblical Concordance of the Swiss Brethren 1540 (Kitchener: Pando-
ra Press, 2001); James W. Lowry, Hans Landis, Swiss Anabaptist Martyr in Sev-
enteenth Century Documents (Millesburg, OH: Ohio Amish Library, 2003); Jere-
my Dupertuis Bangs, ur., Letters on Toleration: Dutch Aid to Persecuted Swiss and
Palatine Mennonites 1615–1699 (Rockport, ME: Picton Press, 2004); R. Emmet Mc-
Laughlin, »Paul In Early Anabaptism,« v A Companion to Paul in the Reforma-
tion, ur. R. Ward Holder (Leiden, Boston: Brill, 2009), 215–40; Andrew P. Klager,
»’Truth is Immortal’: Balthasar Hubmaier (c.1480–1528) and the Church Fathers,«
(PhD thesis, University of Glasgow, 2011); »The Early Influence of Humanism on
Balthasar Hubmaier (1485–1528) During His University Studies,« Reformation and
Renaissance Review 22, št. 1 (2020), 4–24; C. Arnold Snyder, ur., Later Writings of
the Swiss Anabaptists, 1529–1592 (Walden, NY: Plough Publishing House, 2019).
Pomembni švicarski prispevki: Hanspeter Jecker, Rebellen – Heilige: das Basler
Täufertum von 1580–1700 (Liestal: Verlag des Kantons Basel-Landschaft,1998); Urs
B. Leu und Christian Scheidegger, ur., Das Schleitheimer Bekenntnis 1527: Einlei-
tung, Faksimile, Übersetzung und Kommentar (Zug: Achius, 2004); Urs B. Leu, »A
Memorandum of Bullinger and the Clergy Regarding the Punishment of the Ana-
baptists (Mai 1535),« Mennonite Quarterly Review 78, št. 1 (2004), 109–32; Urs B.
Leu in Christian Scheidegger, Die Zürcher Täufer, 1525–1700 (Zürich: TVZ, 2007);
Martin Haas, ur., Quellen zur Geschichte der Täufer in der Schweiz 3: Kantone Aar-
gau – Bern – Solothurn (Zürich: TVZ, 2008); Philipp Wälchli, Urs Leu in Christi-
an Scheidegger, ur., Täufer und Reformierte im Disput: Texte des 17. Jahrhunderts
über Verfolgung und Toleranz aus Zürich und Amsterdam (Zug: Achius, 2010);
Christian Scheidegger, »’Wider die unsinnigen Wiedertäufer’ Ein unbekanntes
Briefgedicht von Jörg Syz an Hans Brennwald (um 1527),« Zwingliana 39 (2012),
31 Tu ne gre za izčrpno opombo, ampak zgolj za nekaj predlogov, za bolj pogloblje-
no branje o tej temi v sedanjih priznanih delih: Andrew Pettegree, ur., The Refor-

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