Page 10 - Škrgat, Sabina. Ed. Forthcoming. Severe Astma Forum. Monograph Series. Koper: University of Primorska Press
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Permissions Manuscript Preparation

Authors wishing to include figures, tables, ap- Manuscripts should be prepared according to
pendices, or any other text passages that have the style prescribed by the Citing Medicine,
already been published elsewhere, are re- NLM Style Guide (Citing Medicine: The
quired to obtain permission from the copy- NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and
right owner(s) and to include evidence that Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Patrias K,
such permission has been granted when sub- author; Wendling D, editor. Bethesda (MD):
mitting their manuscripts. Any material re- National Library of Medicine (US); 2007-).
ceived without such evidence will be assumed See also
to originate from the authors. books/NBK7256/).

severe asthma forum Submission declaration Language and style
The first author is fully and solely responsible
Submission of a manuscript implies that it has for the language and style in the context of the
not been published previously (except in the instructions. A solid standard command of
form of abstract or as part of a published lec- grammar, scientific terminology and style is
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all co-authors have seen and approved the fi- MathType for equations. Whenever possible,
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to its submission for publication.

Conflict of interest The title page
All authors are requested to disclose any actu- should include:
al or potential conflict of interest including
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three years of beginning the submitted work
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Manuscript Submission author clearly identified; linked to each
The main manuscript document should be in author by use of superscript numbers,
Microsoft Word document form. The manu- corresponding author’s full name and
script document as well as any other materials e-mail address.
regarding publication should be submitted to:
Abstract (Editor-in-Chief of The authors are obliged to prepare abstract.
Severe Astma Forum Series) The content of the abstract should be struc-
tured into the following sections: (Editor-in-Chief at
University of Primorska Press). – purpose,
– methods,
– results, and
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