Page 13 - Škrgat, Sabina. Ed. Forthcoming. Severe Astma Forum. Monograph Series. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 13
tan S, Hough T, Kierman A, Hardisty Suppl):519-617. doi:10.1542/ 13
R, Erven A, Gray IC, Voeling S, Isaacs peds.2004-1441.
A, Tsai H, Strivens M, Washbourne instructions for author
R, Thornton C, Greenaway S, Hewitt Standard numbered/lettered table
M, McCormick S, Selley R, Wells C, in a journal article
Tymowska-Lalanne Z, Roby P, Mburu Diaz-Cruz ES, Shapiro CL, Brueggemeier
P, Rogers D, Hagan J, Reavill C, Davies
K, Glenister P, Fisher EM, Martin J, RW. Cyclooxygenase inhibitors suppress
Vizor L, Bouzyk M, Kelsell D, Guenet aromatase expression and activity in
JL, Steel KP, Sheardown S, Spurr N, breast cancer cells. J Clin Endocrinol
Gray I, Peters J, Nolan PM, Hunter AJ, Metab. 2005 May;90(5):2563-70. Table
Brown SD. Towards a mutant map of 2, Aromatase activity and expression in
the mouse--new models of neurological, cell lines; p. 2565.
behavioural, deafness, bone, renal
and blood disorders. Genetica. 2004 Standard numbered/lettered figure
Sep;122(1):47-9. in a journal article
Mitchell GF, Pfeffer MA. Evaluation
Journal article with limit to the number
of authors and management of patients with
Rastan S, Hough T, Kierman A, et uncontrolled systolic hypertension: is
another new paradigm really needed?
al. Towards a mutant map of the Am Heart J. 2005 May;149(5):776-84.
mouse--new models of neurological, Figure 3, Regional pressure wave forms
behavioural, deafness, bone, renal in the normal arterial system; p. 780.
and blood disorders. Genetica. 2004
Sep;122(1):47-9. Standard journal title that is still being
Journal article with organization Advances in Applied Microbiology. San
as author
American Diabetes Association. Diego: Academic Press. Vol. 1, 1959 -.
Diabetes update. Nursing. 2003 Journal title with subtitle
Nov;Suppl:19-20, 24. Blood Purification: Official Journal of
Journal article with an indication the International Society of Blood
it may be found in PubMed Purification (ISBP), Vascular Access
Amalberti R, Auroy Y, Berwick D, Barach Society (VAS), Japanese Society of
Hemodiafiltration ( JS-HDF). Basel
P. Five system barriers to achieving (Switzerland): S. Karger AG. Vol. 1,
ultrasafe health care. Ann Intern Med. 1983 - .
2005 May 3;142(9):756-64. Cited in:
PubMed; PMID 15867408. Journal title with edition
BMJ (Clinical Research Edition). London:
Journal article with DOI provided
Bhutta ZA, Darmstadt GL, Hasan British Medical Association. Vol. 297,
No. 6640, Jul 2, 1988 - .
BS, Haws RA. Community-based
interventions for improving perinatal Journal title published in parts
and neonatal health outcomes in American Journal of Medical Genetics.
developing countries: a review of the
evidence. Pediatrics. 2005 Feb;115(2 Part C, Seminars in Medical Genetics.
R, Erven A, Gray IC, Voeling S, Isaacs peds.2004-1441.
A, Tsai H, Strivens M, Washbourne instructions for author
R, Thornton C, Greenaway S, Hewitt Standard numbered/lettered table
M, McCormick S, Selley R, Wells C, in a journal article
Tymowska-Lalanne Z, Roby P, Mburu Diaz-Cruz ES, Shapiro CL, Brueggemeier
P, Rogers D, Hagan J, Reavill C, Davies
K, Glenister P, Fisher EM, Martin J, RW. Cyclooxygenase inhibitors suppress
Vizor L, Bouzyk M, Kelsell D, Guenet aromatase expression and activity in
JL, Steel KP, Sheardown S, Spurr N, breast cancer cells. J Clin Endocrinol
Gray I, Peters J, Nolan PM, Hunter AJ, Metab. 2005 May;90(5):2563-70. Table
Brown SD. Towards a mutant map of 2, Aromatase activity and expression in
the mouse--new models of neurological, cell lines; p. 2565.
behavioural, deafness, bone, renal
and blood disorders. Genetica. 2004 Standard numbered/lettered figure
Sep;122(1):47-9. in a journal article
Mitchell GF, Pfeffer MA. Evaluation
Journal article with limit to the number
of authors and management of patients with
Rastan S, Hough T, Kierman A, et uncontrolled systolic hypertension: is
another new paradigm really needed?
al. Towards a mutant map of the Am Heart J. 2005 May;149(5):776-84.
mouse--new models of neurological, Figure 3, Regional pressure wave forms
behavioural, deafness, bone, renal in the normal arterial system; p. 780.
and blood disorders. Genetica. 2004
Sep;122(1):47-9. Standard journal title that is still being
Journal article with organization Advances in Applied Microbiology. San
as author
American Diabetes Association. Diego: Academic Press. Vol. 1, 1959 -.
Diabetes update. Nursing. 2003 Journal title with subtitle
Nov;Suppl:19-20, 24. Blood Purification: Official Journal of
Journal article with an indication the International Society of Blood
it may be found in PubMed Purification (ISBP), Vascular Access
Amalberti R, Auroy Y, Berwick D, Barach Society (VAS), Japanese Society of
Hemodiafiltration ( JS-HDF). Basel
P. Five system barriers to achieving (Switzerland): S. Karger AG. Vol. 1,
ultrasafe health care. Ann Intern Med. 1983 - .
2005 May 3;142(9):756-64. Cited in:
PubMed; PMID 15867408. Journal title with edition
BMJ (Clinical Research Edition). London:
Journal article with DOI provided
Bhutta ZA, Darmstadt GL, Hasan British Medical Association. Vol. 297,
No. 6640, Jul 2, 1988 - .
BS, Haws RA. Community-based
interventions for improving perinatal Journal title published in parts
and neonatal health outcomes in American Journal of Medical Genetics.
developing countries: a review of the
evidence. Pediatrics. 2005 Feb;115(2 Part C, Seminars in Medical Genetics.