Page 14 - Škrgat, Sabina. Ed. Forthcoming. Severe Astma Forum. Monograph Series. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 14
Hoboken (NJ): Wiley-Liss. Vol. 117C, Proceedings with editors limited to the
No. 1, Feb 15, 2003 -   . optional first three
severe asthma forum
See also: Bruhat M, Silva Carvalho JL, Campo R,
books/NBK7282/ et al., editors. Proceedings of the 10th
Congress of the European Society
3: Conference Proceedings for Gynaecological Endoscopy; 2001
Nov 22-24; Lisbon, Portugal. Bologna
Standard proceedings with a book title (Italy): Monduzzi Editore, International
in addition to the conference title Proceedings Division; c2001. 474 p.
van Pelt J, Kamermans M, Levelt CN, van
Paper from a proceedings with a book
Ooyen A, Ramakers GJA, Roelfsema title
PR, editors. Development, dynamics,
and pathology of neuronal networks: Arendt, T. Alzheimer's disease as a disorder
from molecules to functional circuits. of dynamic brain self-organization.
Proceedings of the 23rd International In: van Pelt J, Kamermans M, Levelt
Summer School of Brain Research; CN, van Ooyen A, Ramakers GJ,
2003 Aug 25-29; Royal Netherlands Roelfsema PR, editors. Development,
Academy of Arts and Sciences, dynamics, and pathology of neuronal
Amsterdam, the Netherlands. networks: from molecules to functional
Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2005. 385 p. circuits. Proceedings of the 23rd
(Progress in brain research; vol. 147). International Summer School of Brain
Research; 2003 Aug 25-29; Royal
Standard proceedings without a book Netherlands Academy of Arts and
title in addition to the conference title Sciences, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Dittmar A, Beebe D, editors. 1st Annual Amsterdam (Netherlands): Elsevier;
2005. p.355-78.
International IEEE-EMBS Special
Topic Conference on Microtechnologies Paper from a proceedings without
in Medicine & Biology; 2000 Oct 12- a book title
14; Palais des Congres, Lyon, France.
Piscataway (NJ): IEEE; c2000. 643 p. Rice AS, Farquhar-Smith WP, Bridges D,
Brooks JW. Canabinoids and pain. In:
Proceedings with all editors names Dostorovsky JO, Carr DB, Koltzenburg
given M, editors. Proceedings of the 10th
Bruhat M, Silva Carvalho JL, Campo World Congress on Pain; 2002 Aug 17-
22; San Diego, CA. Seattle (WA): IASP
R, Fradique A, Dequesne J, Setubal Press; c2003. p. 437-68.
A, editors. Proceedings of the 10th
Congress of the European Society Abstract of a paper
for Gynaecological Endoscopy; 2001
Nov 22-24; Lisbon, Portugal. Bologna Chiarenza GA, De Marchi I, Colombo L,
(Italy): Monduzzi Editore, International Olgiati P, Trevisan C, Casarotto S.
Proceedings Division; c2001. 474 p. Neuropsychophysiological profile of
children with developmental dyslexia
[abstract]. In: Beuzeron-Mangina JH,
Fotiou F, editors. The olympics of the
brain. Abstracts of the 12th World
Congress of Psychophysiology; 2004
Sep 18-23; Thessaloniki, Greece.
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