Page 119 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 119
eration (Logar, 2011; Logar Čuček, 2020). There are many sides to absen- hiring older people as a way to increase diversity and improve the quality of society 117
teeism, owing to that fact that it is practised by humans. Employees stay away
from work from a variety of reasons (Kirkham et al., 2015). To a smaller ex-
tent, absenteeism is the result of non-medical reasons which are often man-
ifested as justifiable absence from work (Bilban, 2007). No matter what form
absenteeism takes, its reasons and duration, it can decrease the activity of old-
er employees and consequently lead to premature retirement (Wargo-Sugler-
is et al, 2017).

Presenteeism is one of the »side-ways« of management. Many organ-
isations wrongly assume that a low level of sick leave signifies good employee
health. Consequently, employees appear in their workplaces despite being ill,
feeling unwell, suffering from psychological problems. Many of them are wor-
ried about their job security and are not willing to take risks – especially peo-
ple with families and those just a couple of years before retirement (Lalič and
Hromin, 2012). In some employees, presenteeism is a matter of individual deci-
sion (Brečko 2012; Boštjančič and Sajinčič, 2016).

The purpose of reviewing published materials at the post-graduate levels
at three medical faculties in Slovenia was to study Master’s theses and Doctor-
al dissertations that deal with the phenomena of absenteeism and presenteeism
in older employees.

The objective of the study was to ascertain to what extent the phenom-
ena of absenteeism and presenteeism of older employees are studied in Slove-
nia at health-related institutions and to prepare suggestions for such research.

The research question posed was: What is the purpose and role of
post-graduate research on the influence of absenteeism and presenteeism on
older employees?


Review methods
A review of Master’s theses and Doctoral dissertations, published online be-
tween 2015 and 2020, was used. Faculty databases were chosen for finding ref-
erences since the objective was to find out to what extent the area of older em-
ployees is researched at the post-graduate level. The following combinations
of key words in Slovene language were used as search entries: older employ-
ees, employment of older populations, absenteeism and presenteeism in older
employees; later on, words which represent the conditions for successful work
of different generations, such as promotion of health, lifelong learning were
added. The search was carried out in the period between May 2020 and June
2020. The search was limited by the following inclusion and exclusion crite-
ria: search period between 2015 and 2020, Slovene language, and freely avail-
able data.
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