Page 124 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 124
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 122 ism in connection with older employees are mentioned together with other
topics of research but not directly. It is of vital importance that a more exhaus-
tive study of this issue is conducted and that more Master‘s and Doctoral theses
deal with the employment of older employees. Too often it happens that older
employees are discriminated against in their workplaces, despite the fact that
life expectancy is rising and labour force is shrinking.

Aging society and increasing longevity with all their implications have a con-
siderable impact on the employment of older population. It is of vital impor-
tance for the medical field to start considering the necessity to prolong the ac-
tive service of employees. Modern times dictate research into older employees
on the academic level since progress largely depends on the inclusion of all peo-
ple in all their diversity.

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