Page 122 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 122
Author, year Research typology Research objective Sample Key findings
Raduha, 2017 Descriptive quali- To compare the frequen- n = 115 Differences in gender, age
tative research cy of physical exercise on and education level do not
Saje Zupanc, the basis of age, gender and n = 461 influence the level of physi-
2015 Quantitative sur- education level; to express cal activity.
vey research viewpoints regarding the Back pain increases with
importance of regular ex- age; it is connected with
ercise. workplace stress and also
unhealthy lifestyle. Ergo-
To study a part of the life- nomic technical accessories
style of nurses and work- are underused in clinical
place risk factors in ex- practice. It is vital to intro-
plaining the incidence of duce aerobic exercise and
back pain. take additional care of em-
ployees‘ physical health.

zdravje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 120 Table 2: Code allocation by category

Category Subcategories Codes Author
Factors which positive- The influence of rheu- The cooperation of nurses with Križanec, 2015
ly influence the decrease matic disease on absen- rheumatic patients treated with
in absenteeism and pre- teeism. biological medicines; the influ- Robnik, 2016;
senteeism in (older) em- The importance of life- ence of biological medicines on Lešnik, 2016
ployees long learning for apply- the quality of life; lower levels of Raduha, 2017;
ing new knowledge and absence from work, absentee- Topličanec, 2018;
skills in the work place. ism; the presence of pain. Saje Zupanc, 2015
Measures for improv- The importance of learning and
ing physical and men- knowledge for an individual and
tal health in all life pe- organisation; knowledge trans-
riods. fer; cross-generational coopera-
tion; innovativeness.
Education and training in the
area of physical health mainte-
nance; recognising negative ori-
entation towards physical ac-
tivity; focused physical activity
in the workplace; coping with
stressful situations.

In the reviewed works, older employees are predominantly dealt with in that pe-
riod of life when typically, due to various health issues and advanced age, they
are no longer able to actively participate in the labour market. The health care
of older employees, the development of social contacts, suitable communication,
etc. are some of the research topics (Saje Zupanc, 2015; Raduha, 2017; Topličan-
ec, 2018). The study of those segments of life which would allow an individual to
keep an active role in society is carried out in »fragmental form« and is subor-
dinate to other age groups. The society is faced with longevity, at the same time,
Slovenia is a country that does not live according to the principles of active ag-
ing, as promoted by the European Union (Walker and Zaidi, 2016).
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