Page 121 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 121
egories, defining categories and making conclusions by achieving a better
understanding of the issues and needs of older employees.

Table 1 shows all references included in materials review. Using qualitative con-
tent analysis of the acquired materials, three categories with applicable codes
were identified (Table 2). The categories include: (1) The influence of rheumatic
disease on absenteeism; (2) The importance of lifelong learning for the applica-
tion of knowledge at work; (3) The measures for improving physical and mental
health in all periods of life. In the following stage of materials review, the cate-
gories were changed into subcategories and a single category was formed. This
category offers a comprehensive explanation of the purpose and objectives of
materials review (Table 2).

Table 1: A review of the key findings of the research included in qualitative hiring older people as a way to increase diversity and improve the quality of society 119
content analysis

Author, year Research typology Research objective Sample Key findings
Križanec, 2016 Qualitative re- To find out if there are sta- n = 180 Patients taking biological
search tistically relevant differenc- medicines have fewer ab-
Robnik, 2016 es in the quality of life of n = 57 sences from work; they as-
Lešnik, 2016 Quantitative re- patients suffering from in- n =104 sess their quality of life
Topličanec, search flammatory rheumatic dis- n = 198 higher; a need for great-
2018 Quantitative re- ease treated with biological er health-educational work
search medicines in comparison shown.
to patients using standard
medicines; to find out to Employees have demon-
what extent the disease can strated a high level of moti-
influence absenteeism. vation for attending train-
To establish the presence ing courses.
of elements of a learning Knowledge obtained in
organisation and employ- training courses is put into
ees‘ viewpoints regarding practice in the work place.
the introduction of train- The HPP programme is fo-
ing courses. cused on improving health
To recognise the view- and includes preventive ac-
points regarding acquir- tivities. Own health con-
ing new knowledge and to trol is enabled in working
transfer knowledge from environment; it reduc-
the management to the es health-related absentee-
employees. ism and contributes to low-
er presenteeism.
Quantitative re- To study the development
search; case study of health-related absen-
teeism and presenteeism;
to identify the limitations
of health promotion pro-
grammes (HPP).
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