Page 32 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 32
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 30 the same level of PA. Based on the questionnaire results we can conclude
that the knowledge about probiotic consumption effects of younger
generations is insufficient. On behalf of this study results there is a need
for educational activities among younger adults also in the aspect of
probiotics consumption in relation to PA.

Keywords: Gut microbiota, Probiotics, Physical activity

Human GI tract is inhabited by a complex and dynamic population of micro-
organisms. This so-called gut microbiota has an important role in health and
disease of the host. However, its diversity and density variates through the GI
tract with the highest cell concentration in the lumen of the colon, where 1012
bacteria per gram of content can be found (Walburga et al., 2018). Although the
adult-like gut microbiota is formed already in early life, factors such as antibi-
otics treatment, diet (Wen and Duffy, 2017) and PA can influence the microbial
balance (Monda et al., 2017). At least 150 minutes of moderate PA or at least 75
minutes of high intensity activity has a positive health effect (WHO, 2011) that
could be mediated also by PA’s influence on gut microbiota. Moreover, aerobic
activity in healthy individuals has been shown as successful in balancing and
enhancing functionality of gut microbiota (Dalton et al., 2019). As the inten-
sity of PA increases, GI symptoms can occur, e.g. nausea, cramping, bloating
and diarrhoea, that can be linked to changed intestinal barrier function (Lam-
precht and Frauwallner, 2012). Individuals with different levels of PA often con-
sume foodstuff and dietary supplements which affect gut microbiota, e.g. pro-
biotics and prebiotics (Colbey et al., 2018) to maintain GI health. Probiotics are
defined as live microorganisms with beneficial effects of host’s health if admin-
istered in sufficient amount (Hill et al., 2014). On the other hand, prebiotics are
fermentable food components which have a beneficial effect on host’s health
through their impact on composition and/or gut microbiota function (Guarner
et al., 2012). The aim of this study was to answer following research questions:
a) “What are the knowledge and consumption habits of live microorganisms in
individuals with different levels of PA?”; b) “Can probiotics consumption affect
health status of individuals with vigorous PA?”; c) “Can probiotics consump-
tion affect performance in in individuals with vigorous PA?”.

Theoretical part of the study included literature review on gut microbiota, PA
and probiotic consumption on health of PA individuals with the use of differ-
ent research bases. The literature of the past 10 years was included. Practical
part of the study included preparation of the questionnaire which was pub-
lished on and data analysis. The link to online questionnaire was
shared through e-mail and social media to addresses of selected track and field
clubs and PA individuals. All participants were informed about anonymity and
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